Tool Development in Progress


Oh boy, sign up for email about an unknown mystery product! I guess my spam filter needs some exercise.

Honestly, good luck with your company. But if you want any success here this BS, Facebook Social Media marketing crap will only turn people away on these forums. Post when you actually have something to say. Otherwise go away and apply your "101 ways to annoyingly launch your Kickstarter" techniques someplace else.

Robert Bills

Tiktaalik's Mystery Kickstarter Project:

Useless Tools.jpg


It looks like it is a "field knife set" -

I am not sure about the lack of handles (as mentioned in that thread) and am not convinced that the "pinch grip" will solve that issue. I use the pinch grip with a chef's knife sometimes but not with a paring knife or bread knife, but on those you don't necessarily need as much force either so it might work. I do like the slim size.

Also, he didn't get a particularly welcome reception here (although he should have expected at least some snark given the lack of information) so may not feel too much need to follow-up here. Or maybe he is just posting in a bunch of places and forgot us.


As an engineer and capitalist, I always thought that the best market to target with product development was the stupid and rich buyer.

Those who have one, or better, both of those characteristics tend to buy lots of stuff. That is good for the economy. As reference, I cite the now defunct Sharper Image company. If you've ever bought from them, you were at least momentarily stupid or rich, or maybe both.

I bring this up because I applaud someone who has the stones to sell a $5 6-pack of WOOD PENCILS.

Are they multi purpose... Yes, you can write, erase, and stab someone? Possibly make kindling too.

Why $5? Are they hard to find? Yes, you have to go to a store. All the ones in my house are broken or dull... I recently asked my wife to undertake a mission to find a tool that solves that problem... She came back with an electric sharpener! Apparently twisting something around is too difficult for today's common worker. This particular sharpener is... USB powered! That's right kids, now you need a computer powered up to sharpen a pencil so you can write a note!

Fortunately, I can get a 12 V USB adapter to power my pencil sharpener so I can use the pencils in the vehicle.

And how do I know these pencils are better? I paid $5 for them. And I can't easily pronounce the name of the supplier! But... I digress...

I doubt we will hear much more about the tool. The marketing effort did drive a few visitors to the site though, and the capitalist in me hopes they will buy something. Good job!


lost on the mainland
interesting :)
The lack of grip does not affect the comfort. If held properly it is more comfortable than a standard Chef's Knife

not to be harsh and mean but sorry I really doubt something with no handles is going to be more comfortable than well design knives with handles ! just say the huge advantage is packs super flat and no rust issues etc...
dont try to sell them as more comfortable ? sell them on the pros of pack size and durability IMHO better way to market things

if a free handout style bottle opener is $20 and 6 pencils is $5 will be curious about price though :) might make Snow Peak seem cheap ;)

he should come back if someone cant take a little ribbing :) I mean that intro kinda begged for it IMHO :) and this is a great forum

just take this as good folks here giving you constructive criticism :)

It looks like it is a "field knife set" -

I am not sure about the lack of handles (as mentioned in that thread) and am not convinced that the "pinch grip" will solve that issue. I use the pinch grip with a chef's knife sometimes but not with a paring knife or bread knife, but on those you don't necessarily need as much force either so it might work. I do like the slim size.

Also, he didn't get a particularly welcome reception here (although he should have expected at least some snark given the lack of information) so may not feel too much need to follow-up here. Or maybe he is just posting in a bunch of places and forgot us.


I heard the mean guy on shark tank say that he was actually being kind. That business was tough, and, to paraphrase, the sooner people deal with reality the sooner they can adapt to the marketplace. And I think there's a lot of truth to that. As someone that has owned a business, I feel sad for people starting up a business that don't know why they are having trouble.

I also agree that the rich/not-smart market is a great one. Trouble is, this forum isn't filled with clueless people. From what I've seen, many people here are willing to spend money on high quality gear, but far fewer would pay $5 for a $.05 item. (Not suggesting that's what's going on here.)

But I still want a combination ray gun waffle iron.
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I concur...

I completely agree with Albany over there. Every time I have a good product idea, I follow it up with the even better idea of NOT trying to go into business. I'm hard wired too see too much in the risk column and not enough in the reward column.

I really truly am impressed by the pencils, and I bet they sell. I'm also impressed by the work invested and the risk borne by someone willing to open a web portal retail business and try to build a brand.

I hope it is successful, but I think the tactic and the advertising attempt found the wrong audience.

And... I bet somewhere there are huge proponents of those pencils looking down on others because their pencils are not Swedish...

Anyway... good luck with the knives. They look nice but I will continue grabbing knives from my kitchen when I go out on the trail.

And... I love Internet forums precisely because there are others out there to Snark out my BS. It is part of the fun...
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I'm confused: Are we mad that he didn't put any info in the advertisement or are we mad that he sells expensive things? :D


Cool site! I like the bags.

In fairness, I do know that some pencils are better than others. I can't speak for the pencils that are on that site, but if you have write in the rain field notebooks, its not the writing part of the pencil that matters, but the eraser. Your ordinary no. 2 wooden pencil eraser just smears on that paper. My solution was a larger, fancy gum eraser that erases well, and cheapo pencils, but then you have to fish 3 items out of your pack and keep track of them when you are writing in your book, so I suppose I could see getting a pencil with a better eraser on the end. And I do use a knife to sharpen the pencil, but I would love a USB solar powered unit! :D:D:D

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