Top Reasons Why Your Wife/Girlfriend or Family Do Not Go On Trips with You?


Expedition Leader
#1 Time vs valued vacation hrs etc typical American issue of if I'm going to work an extra two weeks in one week to take two weeks off it better be a warm and awesome trip. (Just spent last years xmas gift certificate getting a portable camp heater "for the wife"
#2 She's not a fan of big road trips in the car viewed as wasted time
#3 Truck isn't exactly comfy thats why I sold the J80 and got the Sequoia (Trying to fix that little nicer ride with the Sequoia)

I can see my self moving from a tent trailer to a FWC with heater and comfy interior for the WIFE.

No wife and kids, I'd get a duel sport, small tent and the basics and go solo.


Expedition Leader
doesn't like peeing in the woods, and I don't really like campgrounds...

i have mentioned the PETT systems...she is less than enthused.

Pretty much this. And our two rescue dogs we have now (GSD and husky-GSD mix) aren't well socialized. I don't like the idea of taking them in a campground either. Our previous GSD was perfect in that regard.
My wife enjoys camping much more than I do. I'm never comfy in a tent (why do I always wake up feeling humid and muggy?), I sleep poorly, there are too many bugs and I don't like campground toilets. Generally, I'm a big wuss.

But this year I bought a 4Runner as a toy and - in exchange for her leniency - promised the wife that I would take the family camping. I'm not sure I'll enjoy it but I'm gonna try! We'll do some tent camping and some tent trailer camping and see what works.

We'd both like a small rv trailer that could sleep 5, but it's beyond our budget for now.


When I met my wife ,took her to a plywood blind on the platte River to photograph Sandhills cranes.
Had to stay over nite to avoid spooking the birds .couldn't even stand up completely. Oh and there was a five
Gallon bucket. She was ok. Next test was on kodiak island Alaska .were there photographing brown bears,fishing silvers
I knew it was going to be pretty rough ,no showers,outhouse.she threw a fit for about 15 seconds but now admits
It was the best wildlife experience we had on that trip. Wants to go back.
Took her to the central kalahari in Botswana ,rooftop tent,bucket showers, not one complaint.
Proposed to her at Victoria falls.

She hunts and fishes with me,can change a tire ,changes her own oil in her jeep sometimes
Is a excellent cook.

Am a pretty lucky guy


My wife is slowly getting better.

Going out doors was very hard for her, but with a seat (cheap seats with the bags, except no bag, just a hole) she does better. Not having to squat I think made life a lot easer for her.

Really, the change came with friends. She was unwilling to go, until our mutual friends (also couples) started going. Once she could enjoy herself, she was much happier about the sleeping bag/outdoor toilet/cold etc...

She still will only do 1 night, but its progress. She also gets nervous with offroad maneuvers, so I try to keep the wheeling part to a minimum.

We never do campgrounds, because 1. I hate them, and 2. we have a dog, and he loves to be out and about. In a campground, he has to be roped up, and that sucks for everyone.


Like to Camp
I've commented in this thread before, but I'll add two longhair dachshunds. Worst dog ever for camping as they just walk around a campsite and sweep the dirt. :)


Desert rat
My wife has tried camping, bless her heart, and I'm almost a strict dry/primitive camper. I taught her to make her own "facilities", which she's okay with. I do 95% of the work, which she likes. She doesn't even mind sleeping on the ground. For her, the hang ups are #1, cold and #2, "just doing everything outside"... her words!

Despite my efforts and hers, Mrs. Offero is a hotel, cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres in the lobby, and restaurants traveller. I've got to hand it to her for trying though. :sombrero:

It just means more man-trips for me and my son, that is, until my daughter is older. She loves camping, but is much more needy at two than my son was at the same age. Having said that, I feel it's important, as many others do here, to expose kids to the outdoors. It not only builds character, but the knowledge gained in maintaining civility in the great outdoors could very well pay off someday.
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my fiance is ok for a few days of camping. gets a little tired of it after that (she has skin allergys which flare up in the bush after a while)
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