Tow, Tow, Tow Your Boat….orrrr Maybe Your Big Camper Trailer!


Officious Intermeddler
Let’s Say You Only Own An Under Powered SUV and It’s Perfectly Fine For a DD and For Your Weekend Warrior 2 Night Roughing It Campouts…But Then You Start To Think About How Nice It’d Be To Get A Big, More FSC Camp Trailer For Longer Trips…But You Don’t Really Want To Buy A Big Gas Guzzling Tow Vehicle Just For Hauling Your Heavy Camper on Those Occasional Trips?

What to do, dear me, oh what to do!

Could GM's Electric Tow Dolly Be The Solution To Help Smaller Vehicles Drag Bigger Loads

Putting a powered dolly between the tow vehicle and the trailer could provide a lot of benefits.IMG_2432.jpeg

“Some of us tow all the time—contractors, landscapers, vehicle transporters. For those folks, get a vehicle with the equipment to handle moving (and stopping) all that mass … pretty simple. For folks who only tow occasionally, the decision-making process gets a lot more complex.

Maybe you're towing a camper, say, four or five times a year? But you've got to size and equip the vehicle properly to do that, even though it's not hauling a load the rest of the time. That means lots of underutilized miles, driving a heavier and less efficient vehicle than you need—or buying a separate commuter, but then one or the other is parked the majority of the time, too—inefficient in another way.”

(Is there another reasonable solution? This proposal by GM could be just the trick!)

“…If the towing assistance system dolly that GM patented recently ever comes to fruition, you could (use your anemic SUV or small truck to safely tow bigger loads!). This powered smart device hooks up in between the trailer and load, and includes powered wheels. So not only could it move and stop a larger load than the tow vehicle could pull on its own, it could do all sorts of other neat things.

With the right sensor suite, this powered dolly could hook itself up to the tow vehicle automatically, or with a special controller handle inserted a person could move it around in a yard or storage area easily. It could provide auxiliary power to the trailer for off-grid camping or construction site equipment.”

more of the story here:


Would be illegal in all province's in Canada, only way you can pull a triple configuration is with a fifth wheel, bumber pulls are not recognized.

Mike W.

Well-known member
Great idea with lots of bad out comes. Most people can't back a trailer on a good day. Adding another pivot point is a disaster waiting to happen.

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