Personally for me that pressure is much too high, I used a Michelin tire chart for my specific tire I found online but the chart didn't really didn't go as low as I needed for my weight so I interpolated the graph to come up with some numbers, 58 psi for the rears and 48 front on pavement and down as low as 20 front and 30 or so rear on rough roads. I operate in the 11000-12000 pound range.
I religiously air down hitting the trails and it gives me the best comfort and less vibration/slamming from potholes etc, it will also form around the rocks pretty good but not great, and that is the nature of these tires for these trucks. Toyo or Michelin will be very conservative on their numbers as they will be liable for out of range numbers. Like I said the last tires reached 70,000km and had a bit of a wobble but could go many more K's than when I retired them.