Trail Marker Up and Out with Wet Bath by Rollingstar MFGing


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OK, how many bottles of wine, bourbon, and pounds of ribeye is it going to take to get you to sit down and share all the cool spots in UT you know about?


Well-known member
Life throws us all curve balls. I have been forced to down grade my Trail Marker, Transit van and carbon fiber mountain bike. Check out my new set up. Man i tell you no sway at all its like the trailer is not even there. Thinking of installing cruisemaster ATX on trailer. Thoughts?20230508_102908.jpg
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Active member
That is a classic. You should start a new thread: "Post photos of the craziest trailer and rig setups you've seen."


Well-known member
I apologize for some reason I thought I should be a comedian today. In retrospect it comes accoss as snobby. Not all can afford fancy off road trailers right? That said I saw this set up and really worried about anybody any were near this rig on the freeway


Active member
Out in SE Oregon last week and came across a fellow towing a rather large Grand Designs 5th wheel with 4 slide outs with a large Ram truck. What was unusual was the utility trailer that he had hooked up to the rear of the 5th wheel. He was returning from wintering in Baja and said he had been doing it for several years. I didn't know that was legal.


Active member
Double towing like that is something I see a lot of. Definitely not a great idea. One of my favorites is when they mount the ball on the tailgate of something like an old station wagon.

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