I've been slacking here a bit, so here's a couple updates. I got the roof rack installed. I haven't settled on lighting, but I like this arrangement for the moment. I removed the NMO mount and installed a marine wire gland to route wires. Seemed the easiest method as I never got around to using the NMO for anything.
Also picked up a Rough Country switch control. I actually mounted it in the storage area under the rear seat.
The case and switch panel are built like a tank, but I'm not a fan of the actual switches as I can't see an easy way to label or identify each one.
Other things in the works.
- Installed a double cab/sequoia dome light panel. I don't really recommend that option as I had to really modify it to fit, but it's in now.
- Picked up a Rostra Rearsight LCD monitor/camera kit to replace my rearview mirror. Also found a nice camera I mounted on the passenger side of the rack for additional coverage when needed.
- New lower ball joints installed not two and half years later. All oem this time..
Still a lot left to to do getting it ready for the summer.