Thanks a lot!This is a great read! :coffeedrink:
Did you stop at the Earthquake Interpretive Site as you headed up to Doublesprings Pass?
...the big lost valley had some sweet fly fishing
We missed so much stuff. I don't even remember seeing it. On Trail Creek side or opposite?
I bet. We didn't fish here but we did many many other places.
I've never been to the Earthquake Interpretive Site at Mt Borah. I was still earning a living as a geologist in 1983 when the big Mt Borah earthquake struck the Challis/Mt Borah area. One tragic outcome was the deaths of two schoolchildren who were walking to school in Challis and were struck by parts of a crumbling building. I imagine the Interpretive Site is at a location where a 6-10' scarp many miles in length opened up during the quake. While following your return trip on my Benchmark Idaho Atlas I noticed an indication of the Interpretive Site located directly by the road on the way up to Doublesprings Pass, where Mt Borah was on your right (south-southeast side).