Tread Unlightly - Chaos at Usal Beach (Lost Coast)

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
The idea was simple - take my girlfriend back to Usal Beach for St-Valentine.

We had been there about 8 years ago with the FJ62 and a roof top tent (when it was still a novelty here, I bought one of the first that Martyn brought over from S.A.!).
We had had a perfect time and I was looking forward to go back.

I had visions of a nice romantic time on a secluded beach.

Well, dream turns into nightmare sometimes.

I was expecting mud and rain and it was indeed very wet.


But what I was not expecting is a group of teenagers partying...all night...

We actually met a couple of them when looking for a place to park and they seem nice. As usual, they were quite surprised at the sight of a 4x4 VW van.



I must say I was also a bit surprised to see a guy with a black Tacoma doing donuts around their site and throwing mud/rocks all over their camp.
They had perhaps 4 or 6 trucks all lifted and with mud terrains - they were here to have some fun to say the least.

I figured they would keep drinking all night and we could live with the loud music.

What I was not expecting however are the guys driving all over the place with several trucks all night long while shooting with their guns.

It remained me of a bad Mad Max movie.

I don't think I slept more than an hour. I was thinking they will either shoot us by accident or slam their truck in a tree.
They were racing all over the place for hours, doing donuts wherever they could.

Indeed, when we left the place the next morning we came across this:



Obviously one of the guy had rolled over during the night.

We did not see any of them and decided to head North toward Shelter Cove.

As we were leaving we came across this - I am quite positive that this group hadn't read it:

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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Unfortunately the trail that leads up the mountain was really bad.

I was able to climb it with the Syncro using the locker despite of the large ditches in the middle of the trail but it was becoming too risky to keep going alone. With the mud and the rain pouring more and more and no one else driving there, I had no choice to turn around.

Falling off the cliff is not something I wanted to experience.

We decided to head back on highway 1 and find a nice campground by the beach.

I must say I was a bit shocked at some of the fees - $35 for a site (no service) in a State Park...!

We finally settle for a site at Manchester Beach for $25 and no one else around.

We had found paradise finally!


Well, almost...


The rest of the weekend went great!!



dirty Bakers

Man that realy sucks. I have been talking my wife into heading to usal beach some time. but if it like that when we get there I wont be to happy. WSe unfortunatly have a few areas like that here in az.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
We all seem to have a story like this, unfortunately. But at least you seemed to be able to scavange the rest of the weekend, you got a story to tell out of it and there are no bullet holes in the ride. :elkgrin:


Well hopefully that kid learned his lesson. I didn't know that there were 4x4 vw vans, that is awesome, I have been wanting a vw camper for a while. It looks like you have a nice setup.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Was there cell service or any way to reach out to authorities in the area...the mix of rigs, booze and guns would be worth getting on a phone or ham radio.

It is a shame we as responsible 4wd owners get our access taken away by folks like that.

Glad you were still able to have a good time, and smart move turning around when you did vs something serious happening. Not enough of those smarts in this world.

great report and nice rig


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
That sucks. Reminds me of when we went to pismo and someone got stuck down to their frame behind our tent. Some people have no regard for others and it's a shame that they feel they can act that way.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
and the worst part is, that's just a funny story for them... When you're invincible and under 25, you either die or you are amazing. There is no middle ground.


I love that area but haven't been up there in the last couple years. Your pictures make me want to plan a trip. My wife and I like to go to Patrick's Point, it is our favorite beach site in CA.

Rot Box

Great report! :sombrero: and I love Syncro's they are just so cool!

I have been in that situation too many times. Sometimes you can sleep through the noise, but once people start shooting guns off there is just no sleeping through that--you never know what could happen!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
We have actually been okay with the noise (well, excepts for the guns...) but I was more disturbed about the damages created all over the place. I don't know if the tracks and holes left everywhere will stay that way once spring comes. it was extremely soft and muddy all over.

I am not sure if that's normal up there or not. They did tell us that they come here every year to play and they did not seem to see any problem with that...and it sure is a different world up there, I did not remember seeing some many houses with yard filled with trash, abandoned cars, equipments, we saw alongside highway 101...

The last time I was there in May there was a ranger there but obviously they have no funding anymore. Actually several of the CA parks along highway 1 were close - I suspect because of the budget cuts. It's really sad.


This is very unfortunate. This sort of inappropriate behavior gives OHV traffic in a blanket bad name. :mad:

I'm happy that you were able to find a nice place to spend the night the next day! I love the VW Syncros. I wish I knew someone who had one closer!


Expedition Leader
Its people like that that will wind up getting the area closed. Very sad these yahoos couldn't have found a more appropriate place.

No cell service there but I'll bet you could get the coast guard on vhf.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Its people like that that will wind up getting the area closed. Very sad these yahoos couldn't have found a more appropriate place.

No cell service there but I'll bet you could get the coast guard on vhf.

Totally agree. For some reason I had assumed that the younger generation was more educated.

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