Trekboxx JKU cargo systems - taking orders and now on SALE!


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
Honestly I doubt anyone expected the alpha system to cost 10% the price of their Jeep. I love the box, but it may be more than most jeep owners are willing to spend. The premium price is probably more palatable to the $80,000.00 land cruiser crowd.

I understand, sort of. I actually think most Jeep guys paid more for their JKU than the LC crowd paid for their 100 series. Normally the LC guys who are going to wheel their rig pay between 10-25k or so. Very, very few buy a new LC and build it. And the prices for the LC systems were never a secret. So naturally the Jeep systems would be about the same, right? Yes, they are a few inches smaller in dimension, but that really only saves a tiny amount in material costs. The real costs of these systems lies in the labor, engineering, and high end materials, hardware, and finishes.


Well, I'm another poor JK owner that would love a great storage rack and even though I feel this is out of my price range I wanted to have a look. I've been looking for a way to store all my goods, have access to my fridge and cook a meal without unloading the whole veh.

I must say that I was very disappointed after looking at your web site. I can somewhat understand why your LC sales are up with the 20% sale and at least some pics to look at. What I don't understand is someone that per their words "Spent a lot of money on R&D" then ask a premium price but not have any good pics of the system or maybe a video to see how it works.

You've got a premium price on what looks like it could be a premium product but I can't see enough of it to buy it. I am looking to buy SOMETHING in the next month or so and I am not ruling yours out. Could you or do you have somewhere other than your web page a video or pics explaining why we should pay the price for it. If you can do that then maybe myself and other JK Overlanders will reach a little deeper into our piggy banks and send some $$ your way.

Thank you

I totally understand, however, I had to make a game time decision. There were quite a few JKU guys needing/wanting a system and some had trips planned, etc. If I waited until the first production run was finished to put up pics, etc., many more weeks would have passed until the orders could be placed. As it is I took the prototyping far enough to ensure all new aspects of the design- integrated fridge slide, new rack, etc., would work flawlessly. There was no need to make a full system and coat it for pictures, except I did do this for the Bravo, which gave me all of the fitment info I needed. Then I'd also have a very expensive system in some random color that I'd have to offload, thus increasing the cost even more. Also, the systems work and look just like the LC systems, so I didn't think it was a stretch to imagine one in a Jeep. This is all part of the reason that the sale is so aggressive. I know there aren't finished pics, but I thought with my track record of making these high quality systems it wasn't really necessary. No different than if you had asked me for a custom system for your JK. You wouldn't get finished pics before the build, of course.

There will be more pics of the JKU systems posted when the first systems are installed and we have time for a photo shoot, but we're still weeks out from that. I also have plans for a video or two. But again, it takes time. I don't have the budget to hire everything out, many things I do myself. There will be a FAQ page on the website as well as a list of features, benefits, etc. But what you're paying for is a very well engineered solution custom tailored to your specific vehicle using super high quality materials, hardware, and finishes. And made right here. As well as some features not found elsewhere, such as the integrated work surface (a big hit) and the barrier/shelf combination that works as a cohesive unit. Other than a truly custom one-off that you hire built(comparable would be $6k+) or an ARB drawer set with cargo barrier, shelf, and center divider(they don't offer the dual barriers) which will run you about $3,000, this is the high end option. So really if you're looking in this market your best comparison imo is the ARB. And the decision becomes whether made in the USA, top tier materials, way better finishes, work surface, full extension slides, etc., is worth the extra cost.

I hope that sheds a bit of light from my perspective. If you are willing to wait and miss the sale, no problem, there will definitely be more pics, videos, etc. yet to come. Gotta sign off- I have a huge stack of Baltic Birch that needs to be crosscut!



I truly think you are making a quality product. But I too am in the camp of it's just too much darn money.

I will say that a shining ray of light is the $800 JKU sleeping platform. That to me is good value- to the degree that it could very well be on my list at some point. And I thought good marketing was to bring folks in with the low cost value proposition and then upsell. So it seems odd to bring the most expensive one to market as the hot setup.

A couple pieces of food for thought. There are a lot of modifications people like to do to vehicles of this type (thus this forum), but most folks are of relatively modest disposable incomes with which to achieve those modifications. My point is that it becomes a cost/benefit analysis. I spent about the same as one of your systems doing a full compliment of armor, a correctly done 2" spring lift (no larger tires), and winch. Those are going to serve a whole lot more purpose than some hotrod storage boxes. I'm not saying the storage solution isn't nice, or would fulfill a need, but there are MUCH better ways to spend THAT much $$$ on (aside from the afore mentioned sleeping deck, which almost seems like an afterthought).

Another data point: even the sale price for one of the solutions is more than halfway to what we spent for an entire off road camper with water, heater, fridge, beds, etc. Again, it seems more prudent to go that way. Or, for the same money, I could get one of those off road utility trailers.

My point is that although you are making a really very nice solution, to a degree it is putting lipstick on a pig in that it would be something someone would do if they had the money to drop off their machine to AEV and just let them go hog wild. Can I afford this solution? Yes. Would I spend that much for the need (for storage) to be filled? No.

Now if you are planning on a truly low volume custom oriented product, then I'd say you are spot on. But from your other posts it seems you are leaning toward a bit more volume. At these prices (again, aside from the one I mentioned above), I think you are going to be working with the "more money than sense" customer.

That's just my opinion and I hope not one that is taken to be overly harsh.
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What I really want is just a cargo shelf, and there's plenty to choose from in the $400+ - range. I'm all about paying for a quality product but I need to see what a $1075.00 shelf looks like, and a sketch up of it and 20% off is not enough to make me take a chance...

What makes this one worth more than double all the others out there? I can't say anything about the cost of your other stuff as it doesn't interest me but I do believe the cost of your shelf is way overpriced without more info. We all want to be profitable in our ventures but it appears your reaching for the sky on that one.


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
I truly think you are making a quality product. But I too am in the camp of it's just too much darn money.

I will say that a shining ray of light is the $800 JKU sleeping platform. That to me is good value- to the degree that it could very well be on my list at some point. And I thought good marketing was to bring folks in with the low cost value proposition and then upsell. So it seems odd to bring the most expensive one to market as the hot setup.

A couple pieces of food for thought. There are a lot of modifications people like to do to vehicles of this type (thus this forum), but most folks are of relatively modest disposable incomes with which to achieve those modifications. My point is that it becomes a cost/benefit analysis. I spent about the same as one of your systems doing a full compliment of armor, a correctly done 2" spring lift (no larger tires), and winch. Those are going to serve a whole lot more purpose than some hotrod storage boxes. I'm not saying the storage solution isn't nice, or would fulfill a need, but there are MUCH better ways to spend THAT much $$$ on (aside from the afore mentioned sleeping deck, which almost seems like an afterthought).

Another data point: even the sale price for one of the solutions is more than halfway to what we spent for an entire off road camper with water, heater, fridge, beds, etc. Again, it seems more prudent to go that way. Or, for the same money, I could get one of those off road utility trailers.

My point is that although you are making a really very nice solution, to a degree it is putting lipstick on a pig in that it would be something someone would do if they had the money to drop off their machine to AEV and just let them go hog wild. Can I afford this solution? Yes. Would I spend that much for the need (for storage) to be filled? No.

Now if you are planning on a truly low volume custom oriented product, then I'd say you are spot on. But from your other posts it seems you are leaning toward a bit more volume. At these prices (again, aside from the one I mentioned above), I think you are going to be working with the "more money than sense" customer.

That's just my opinion and I hope not one that is taken to be overly harsh.

Well, I don't think you can compare a storage system to a trailer. They are different solutions. And I'm not sure I've ever seen a quality off road camper for those kind of prices. I'm assuming you think people who buy a $50k Kimberly have more money than brains? And the same with AEV customers? There are those that are happy to drop $4k on reservoir shocks alone, so your 2"spring lift/armor/winch comparison doesn't really hold water because you may be comparing top end equipment with not-so-top-end equipment. I don't know. I could't afford those things personally, but if I could I probably would... There are those that understand quality and those that don't or don't care. I run an inexpensive OME lift and shock kit because for me personally, a set of Icons is totally unnecessary. I'm not running the Baja. But do I bash Icon for developing a far superior product and asking a higher price for it? Or do I say that their customers have more money than brains? No.

As far as the sleeping platform goes, it's not an afterthought at all. A lot of designing and engineering went into it. And it would do you no good without one of my systems- they work together. It's not a stand alone unit.

There are all different kinds of people, with different needs. To some (most if they're honest), bumpers, armor, etc., are rarely if ever needed or used. A storage system is something you use every day, not just when you go exploring. So unless you're more of a dedicated rock-crawler/off-roader (not necessarily my target demographic), then I'd disagree that they serve more of a need than "some hotrod storage boxes."

I'm not going for volume at all. I build each one of these by hand, except the metal bits. But there has to be some volume for the product to stay around... I built it because it was requested- a lot. Now here it is. If you think it's silly, don't buy it. What can I say?

What I really want is just a cargo shelf, and there's plenty to choose from in the $400+ - range. I'm all about paying for a quality product but I need to see what a $1075.00 shelf looks like, and a sketch up of it and 20% off is not enough to make me take a chance...

What makes this one worth more than double all the others out there? I can't say anything about the cost of your other stuff as it doesn't interest me but I do believe the cost of your shelf is way overpriced without more info. We all want to be profitable in our ventures but it appears your reaching for the sky on that one.

If you look at the website- there are pictures of the storage rack. Here's one, for example:
The price is a factor of cost. My cost is more than any other rack out there that I've seen. How do they do it? Overseas manufacturing for some, maybe cutting corners for others. I do neither. My products are for those that care about these things. If you want "just a cargo shelf", then there are lots of options out there. I guarantee that their margins are better than mine.

I'm not trying to be "elitist" in any way. I have a passion for craftsmanship, and I know that many people don't know or care about it or can't tell the difference. I knew from the beginning that it would be foolish to compete in the "just another storage system" market. There are already good options out there.

For those of you that have ordered these JKU systems, thank you. After speaking with my metal fabricator yesterday it looks like we're on track to start shipping around the first of December, so you should have them in plenty of time for a Christmas trip!



Well I don't want to go back and forth with you and dump on your thread. I'll simply wish you the best of luck.

I will leave you with this though: you do realize you are in a Jeep section of a forum, yes? Why else would someone buy a Jeep other than to take it "proper" off road? They drive like crap, are noisy, and just not as nice of an very day vehicle as many SUVs at similar price points. So then it seems ensuring performance and protection in that environment would be more useful than elegant organization of cargo. If I do actually decide to go exploring and get in over the capabilities of my machine in stock format, I'd rather have self recovery and key components protected and ensure getting out than if my cargo was hand crafted. Simple market research on the demographic purchasing Jeeps would recognize that I would think.


You boys can fight it out.
Years ago, my father cut a piece of 3/4" plywood to fit and supported it on six black iron pipes. The front 1/3 of it was removeable if the back seat was in the the Suburban. all of the coolers and food boxes fit under it as well as all the camping gear. It was a bit of a chore to fit it around the fourty gallon 2nd fuel tank.
When I go out in the 3B for a week or so, heavy stuff on the bottom, things like a tent and clothes go on top. I suppose I camped more like a backpacker a few years ago.


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
You're making the assumption that you can only have one or the other. Many folks can and do, in fact, have all of the above. That's how a company like AEV survives! I understand that the majority of Jeep buyers may not be willing to pay for one of my systems. That's ok, it's a very large market. Thanks for the well wishes.


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
Happy Halloween folks! Final day of the sale. I'll be available today for any inquiries/orders. For those that have placed orders during the sale, thank you. Have a great weekend all!



David your stuff looks awesome.

Pricey? Sure, but if I was so concerned about price I wouldn't be into wheelin or overlanding, I would have picked up knitting.

For a US built product that's been as throughly thought-out as yours its in-line with Goosegear and any other high end storage solution system.

I hope business is booming from the LC crowd and maybe you'll have an 80 series solution (wishful thinking I realize) at some point.

Best of luck to you.


I totally understand for those of you that aren't willing or aren't able to spend that kind of money on a system. But, there were many who said "build this for the JKU and I'm in!" to me in both pm and email, and occasionally on the forum. The cost of my systems was never a secret. If you want a mediocre drawer system, there are many already on the market to choose from.

Hopefully there will be some late comers to the party!

You are asking for almost 4k for a few cabinets and a rack?
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I don't understand you people - yep I said "you people".

It's great that you can find alternative systems in the world but I'm pretty certain that's the point of a marketplace. Products and services to fit every need, budget function etc etc. These conversations always come down to your view of the world and what the value of something should be based on your opinion or experiences. How about (as some have) tell David hey nice systems or interesting design instead of crapping the thread with 'hey there is a cheaper piece of **** you can by for $600'.

When a fellow ExPortal member creates a post about something interesting I take my own view and evaluate the value prop for myself. I have yet to be swayed by some other member saying it's too expensive. I wish everyone (as David probably does) could afford TrekBoxx and enjoy the 100's of hours of effort a smart guy put in to making the systems but we all have our budgets. I just checked the time on a watch that cost 2x of the system David sells... Your phone or $14 Casio could provide the same data. I happen to like the design, heritage, precision and useful data that my Speedmaster provides. IN the world of watches it not even considered expensive. The TrekBoxx systems are very competitively priced when you look at other systems - All in an ARB will run ~$3k with similar features and they suck. See what I did there? Value prop.


I have to agree with RobRed, it is a pity that a great looking system, from a guy that is trying his best has to be brought down to an argument about price.

Good luck David, you have a great looking product and I hope that it is a success.

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