Trekboxx JKU cargo systems - taking orders and now on SALE!


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
I was just going to thank RobRed and MamboSA for preventing me from being unprofessional, but you beat me to it. Listen- you are of course entitled to your opinion. Nobody is forcing you to pay "almost 4k for a few cabinets and a rack". This thread is to inform potential customers (of which you are not, obviously) of a product that may interest them. If you have no interest, that's fine. Different strokes for different folks. But, I do take issue with snide comments implying that I'm ripping people off by asking them to pay "almost 4k for a few cabinets and a rack". I know, I shouldn't engage- I should just ignore. But frankly, I'm not in the mood.

How about this: Give me a call at your convenience and I will discuss with you candidly my actual time and costs involved with making theses systems. If you then still feel the same way, feel free to jump on the forums and tell everyone what a crook I am. Deal?

To everyone else- My apologies. I try to remain objective and professional as a vendor, but, you know- it gets old. And I don't pay myself enough to take too much abuse. ;)



I've seen Dave's product in person and on the trail. The quality, precision, attention to detail and craftsmanship of the TrekboxX is second to none. The fact that Dave imagined, designed, and hand builds this setup should help some of you dunces (MOguy) understand why he asks what he asks....


I was just going to thank RobRed and MamboSA for preventing me from being unprofessional, but you beat me to it. Listen- you are of course entitled to your opinion. Nobody is forcing you to pay "almost 4k for a few cabinets and a rack". This thread is to inform potential customers (of which you are not, obviously) of a product that may interest them. If you have no interest, that's fine. Different strokes for different folks. But, I do take issue with snide comments implying that I'm ripping people off by asking them to pay "almost 4k for a few cabinets and a rack". I know, I shouldn't engage- I should just ignore. But frankly, I'm not in the mood.

How about this: Give me a call at your convenience and I will discuss with you candidly my actual time and costs involved with making theses systems. If you then still feel the same way, feel free to jump on the forums and tell everyone what a crook I am. Deal?

To everyone else- My apologies. I try to remain objective and professional as a vendor, but, you know- it gets old. And I don't pay myself enough to take too much abuse. ;)


You posted and have gotten responses. Storage is at a minimum in a Wrangler, a good storage could sell but you price are out there. If you don't want to here from people by ad space. If you want to hear from people listen. I posted a link from a very popular brand. They are successful. Listen to us and maybe you can create something more reasonable in price.

Think of this as a free market survey. From your earlier posts it doesn't seem you are getting all of Jeep business.

I am not going to call you. I am interested in how long it takes to make these and what type of materials you use.
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I've seen Dave's product in person and on the trail. The quality, precision, attention to detail and craftsmanship of the TrekboxX is second to none. The fact that Dave imagined, designed, and hand builds this setup should help some of you dunces (MOguy) understand why he asks what he asks....
Why the insult? I have never seen or heard of these. I just can't see why a cabinet should cost this much. If there is a reason he can explain it. Childish name calling is not how you justify the cost and does very little to build value.
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I don't have a dog in this fight but MOguy it's pretty apparent that this product and frankly this discussion are both a little out of your league. You'd be doing yourself a serious favor by going off and educating yourself on the topic at hand a little bit further before coming in and expressing your rather uneducated opinion.

As previously mentioned different folks have different perceptions of what represents quality and what they value that quality at. Your opinion of quality appears to be consistent with entry level products and your time might be better served having discussions around those items in the appropriate place.

As for the product at hand it looks very well made and engineered. I'd seriously consider adding it to my rig and I'm excited to see the photos people take in real world applications. I prefer to buy quality the first time instead of having to replace an inferior product but that's just me.

I'm interested in being added to receive information about a possible group buy.


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
I don't have a dog in this fight but MOguy it's pretty apparent that this product and frankly this discussion are both a little out of your league. You'd be doing yourself a serious favor by going off and educating yourself on the topic at hand a little bit further before coming in and expressing your rather uneducated opinion.

As previously mentioned different folks have different perceptions of what represents quality and what they value that quality at. Your opinion of quality appears to be consistent with entry level products and your time might be better served having discussions around those items in the appropriate place.

As for the product at hand it looks very well made and engineered. I'd seriously consider adding it to my rig and I'm excited to see the photos people take in real world applications. I prefer to buy quality the first time instead of having to replace an inferior product but that's just me.

I'm interested in being added to receive information about a possible group buy.

You got it. If you have a sec, shoot me an email at and let me know what vehicle you have and your interest. It is less likely for me to miss someone with email, vs handles on the different forums. Either way, I'll make a note if it!

Hopefully we will see more forum members as customers, and therefore more use pics and reviews, etc. Strangely enough, most of my customers find me on the forums but are not members themselves. There's a lot more people that lurk here than post.


I don't have a dog in this fight but MOguy it's pretty apparent that this product and frankly this discussion are both a little out of your league. You'd be doing yourself a serious favor by going off and educating yourself on the topic at hand a little bit further before coming in and expressing your rather uneducated opinion.

As previously mentioned different folks have different perceptions of what represents quality and what they value that quality at. Your opinion of quality appears to be consistent with entry level products and your time might be better served having discussions around those items in the appropriate place.

As for the product at hand it looks very well made and engineered. I'd seriously consider adding it to my rig and I'm excited to see the photos people take in real world applications. I prefer to buy quality the first time instead of having to replace an inferior product but that's just me.

I'm interested in being added to receive information about a possible group buy.

Why do you feel the need to be so condescending?

I have never questioned the quailty. I just asked a question about the price just as many others have.


My time and costs are worth real money to me but it doesn't mean it's worth the money to a consumer - it's all about value and people will ultimately "vote" with how they spend their hard earned money - which all boils down to price, sales & demand or free enterprise - what a concept. Only time will tell whether this, like all products, succeed or fail. Good luck with your product.


Gotcha. It looks like David values his time, labor, and materials at $3,500 - $4,600 depending on the model ( Glad we were able to get that resolved for you.

There have been allot of comments about the price. David had asked me to call him and he would discuss it. I don't want to call him but I am curious to know how many hours it takes and his material costs. I just want to see why it cost that much money for a cabinet. He can charge what he wants, I am just curious why his cabinet cost as much as they do.

I hope he and everybody else here is successful in their endeavors , but if come to the world wide web asking questions you need to be thick skinned. I applaud him for his gorilla marketing technique but if he goes this route for marketing he will have to be able to deal with this type of scrutiny.
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New member
I feel like some of the issue with the price is because the photo in this post looks like a very basic drawer. On his website he shows a 3D model of it, and it is much more substantial.

If you read the description, and look at the 3D model, it actually sounds a lot more reasonable (to me at least). It comes with the drawer (with a bunch of dividers), fridge slide/cutting board, and a metal rack above the drawer.

Here is the 3D model on the website:

It's definitely more than I would be willing to spend because there are a lot of other things I could put that money toward, and I also do wood working (oh, and I don't own a JK). I think at the 20% off price, it's definitely more appealing, if you could get the price down to match that and still make it profitable.
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Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
Here's the deal. I already broke business rule #4- never reveal your pricing structure. I offered to speak with you frankly, because I'm very confident in what I'm doing and the pricing I'm getting for my customers. But I'm already regretting it because the more you post the less faith I have that you'd keep it to yourself in any fashion. Which is fine, I guess. There are really no secrets over here.
I know you are used to consuming inferior products than what's possible because it's the culture we've created. Many of us no longer value quality, handcrafting, and real one-on-one with the owner type of support. But I do, and so do my customers. But that quality has a price. I can give you a thousand examples, and I hope you'll look into the concept because it is quite rewarding.
Example 1. You can buy a $20 knife at the local sporting goods store or you can scour the internet to snag a deal on a used Busse knife for $600. That's 30 times the cost! Do they do the same thing? Yes and no. You will never get the precision, reliability, and pride from the cheaper knife. But yes, it will cut something.
Example 2. This one is dear to my heart, because I make these also. Rocking chairs. You can buy this:
for $124. Or, you can buy this:
for $5,500-$32,000 depending on the wood selected. That's between 44 and 258 times as expensive! Do they both rock? Well, yes...
Parker, (the guy who makes the expensive chairs) makes a good but modest living. He's not ripping anyone off and would be offended if it was implied. I also make chairs like this, and the entry price is $12,000. And even at that price, I'm not super happy. I'm making a very low hourly wage, but I like to do it, and I LOVE to see the look on the owner's face when they see it and sit in it for the first time.


Supporting Sponsor - TrekboxX
I feel like some of the issue with the price is because the photo in this post looks like a very basic drawer. On his website he shows a 3D model of it, and it is much more substantial.

If you read the description, and look at the 3D model, it actually sounds a lot more reasonable (to me at least). It comes with the drawer (with a bunch of dividers), fridge slide/cutting board, and a metal rack above the drawer.

Here is the 3D model on the website:
View attachment 350548

It's definitely more than I would be willing to spend because there are a lot of other things I could put that money toward, and I also do wood working (oh, and I don't own a JK). I think at the 20% off price, it's definitely more appealing, if you could get the price down to match that and still make it profitable.

You may be looking at 2 different systems, the Alpha and the Bravo. Check out the website for photos of both.

Here's another interesting tid bit for you guys questioning the price. This is a direct quote from one of my potential customers.
"truck vault will make you a customer set up but the price quote for that was 6k (I sent them a picture of your alpha system and told them I wanted that, how much to make it)"


Here's the deal. I already broke business rule #4- never reveal your pricing structure. I offered to speak with you frankly, because I'm very confident in what I'm doing and the pricing I'm getting for my customers. But I'm already regretting it because the more you post the less faith I have that you'd keep it to yourself in any fashion. Which is fine, I guess. There are really no secrets over here.
I know you are used to consuming inferior products than what's possible because it's the culture we've created. Many of us no longer value quality, handcrafting, and real one-on-one with the owner type of support. But I do, and so do my customers. But that quality has a price. I can give you a thousand examples, and I hope you'll look into the concept because it is quite rewarding.
Example 1. You can buy a $20 knife at the local sporting goods store or you can scour the internet to snag a deal on a used Busse knife for $600. That's 30 times the cost! Do they do the same thing? Yes and no. You will never get the precision, reliability, and pride from the cheaper knife. But yes, it will cut something.
Example 2. This one is dear to my heart, because I make these also. Rocking chairs. You can buy this:
for $124. Or, you can buy this:
for $5,500-$32,000 depending on the wood selected. That's between 44 and 258 times as expensive! Do they both rock? Well, yes...
Parker, (the guy who makes the expensive chairs) makes a good but modest living. He's not ripping anyone off and would be offended if it was implied. I also make chairs like this, and the entry price is $12,000. And even at that price, I'm not super happy. I'm making a very low hourly wage, but I like to do it, and I LOVE to see the look on the owner's face when they see it and sit in it for the first time.

My intent was not to turn this into an argument but only an exchange of ideas.

Actual I am a buyer, but not of this type of product. Over the years I have been involved in development and acquisitions. We purchase based requirements. We use the term "cradle to grave" to determine cost of ownership, not the initial price. Customer service and support is very important.

Equipment sets I have worked on do have packaging and storage requirements. I will never assume that because something is more expensive that the vendor is ripping me off but I need to understand why, esp if out of line from other offerings.

I guess I bought my work experiences into this forum.

As far as my Jeep and adventure, overland, camping etc. space is at a minimum in a jeep esp a Wrangler. You need to think outside the Jeep. Some only need two seats and can pack in the back of their vehicle, some of us have families that come along.

Many here from the Jeep community where into off roading first and that is why they choose a Jeep esp when it comes to the Wrangler. Then we got board with going up and down off road trails with the primary goal of conquering bigger obstacles. For the amount of you ask for a cabinet we could re gear and get lockers and a winch, that is more a Jeep thing to most Jeep guys.

Many of us came upon overland, camping, adventuring... after we bought and built our Jeeps and some may fear the wrath of the spouse if we were to lay out thousands more on cabinets for the Jeep instead of cabinets for the kitchen.

Another issue is security. I posted a link from Tuffy. They are well known in the Jeep community because they offer a way to secure your things. That is important to somebody driving a Wrangler, esp with a soft top. Until The JK and JKU came out I don't think I knew more than a couple people who even had a hard top for their Jeep.
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This whole discussion is completely backwards! As the saying goes: "If you think price has anything to do with cost, you're doing it wrong". :)

Add another $1000 to the price, see if they keep selling. If they do, add another $1000 until orders slow down. Then, when you have a $6000 product keeping your production line busy, dream up a $4000 product and carefully place it into the market to cut only a small amount of your premium product's orders, yet add to your overall revenue.

You all realize this is a business, right?


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