And those damn things are everywhere!!! Seriously, we need to start selling tags....Admittedly being in southern Arizona the majority of my excursions my fears are generally aimed at 2 legged predators rather than 4.
Fires 3" and 2 3/4" shells, but I've only used 3" with 2 five round mags that are standard, I also got 2- 10 round and 2 more 20 round mags. 70 rounds packed. I will say loading to the max in the mags is hard to manage, loading 4 rounds in the 5, 8 rounds in the ten mag and 12 to 14 in the 20 mag is much easier to load.⬆️ 3” or 2 4/4” ?
Just keep this in mind…the killer bees here don’t hibernate 😳And those damn things are everywhere!!! Seriously, we need to start selling tags....
I'm currently in S AZ and have done a lot of camping here. I've had a couple close encounters with mountain lions, but rattlesnakes are by far the most common/dangerous. Thankfully they usually hibernate while I'm here.
So true! Just don't stumble into a hive, and no worries...Just keep this in mind…the killer bees here don’t hibernate 😳
That thing is tiny. Mine has a 12" barrel. I am itching for a new gun. Not sure what yet.Rock River AR pistol with extendable brace. Land Cruisers and AR's two things that go well together.
I'm looking for an HK SP5 in 9mm! Mentioned in another thread, it got me looking too.That thing is tiny. Mine has a 12" barrel. I am itching for a new gun. Not sure what yet.
I have a list but have been looking at a Christenson arms CA-10 G2 for about a year. Also a good 12 gauge.I'm looking for an HK SP5 in 9mm! Mentioned in another thread, it got me looking too.
The Rock River has a 9 inch barrelThat thing is tiny. Mine has a 12" barrel. I am itching for a new gun. Not sure what yet.