Finally fixed the A/C the other day. It has been bothering me for at least a 1 1/2 years and if I would have known that I could have fixed it for $15 and 30 mins time I would have done it a long time ago!
I decided to bypass the culprit, a leaky vacuum resubmit, due it being hidden in the deepest depths of the engine bay.
I read several ways to bypass it but feel mine was definitely easiest.
I located the red line that comes up from the engine and to the passenger side of engine bay that plugged into this black connector.
I took the dog house off the van and found where the line ran to. It was on middle, top of the engine to the passenger side. There are two lines there. Make sure you get the right one.
(Sorry, no picture of this.)
I pulled the red vacuum line down from the engine bay and into the dog house area. I drilled a 1/2" hole thru the firewall and pulled the red vacuum line thru the grommet that was on the black line and into passenger side foot well.
There is a black line coming into the passenger foot well from where the top of your right foot would be. Careful pull on this line and it will disconnect from the reservoir inside the engine bay.
You should have a red line coming into the passenger well directly from the engine. This is the side with vacuum. You should also have a black line that hangs down from a connector up under the dash. This line needs vacuum to keep the blender door open.
The only part needed to buy is a new vacuum reservoir. Factory replacement is ridiculous $. I found this part at O'Reilly Auto.
Now you simply plug the red line into the big port and black line into the smaller port with some of the fittings you disconnected or from parts store. Now tuck away.
Clear as mud?
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