TUNDOKA Another Gen1 Tundra "build"


Love your rig! Enjoy it!

Thanks we are certainly trying to.

Just spent a little time near Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quary outside of Price UT.

Found a nice little spot near some good "climbing" rocks for our toddler.


Got the bed setup (blue mood lighting courtesy of the rain fly)


Still figuring out storage, but I think we have organized pretty well.

We are using 3 Plano storage boxes for Camp, Kitchen, and Pantry. These will change a little over time, but worked pretty well this trip. I am currently securing items with a ratchet strap and a cargo net. I threaded the strap through one side of the cargo net then pull the net over the second level of stuff. This worked pretty well, but I am really looking forward to a more permanent tie down solution, as I can only access the cooler when every thing is strapped down, and access to the pantry would be nice.

Here is our fam out exploring, which is why we do this.


I'm pretty sure these faces means that getting the flip-PAC was a good idea.


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Well, it has been awhile since I updated this thread. Basically, we have been utilizing the camper and baselining how we use the interior.

We took it to Idaho for the eclipse:


Did a small mountain biking trip, explored southern Utah and the Wasatch and Unitas. We have put about 30 nights in the flippac, and have come up with our needs.

We need easy access to chairs and tables for camp setup. We want access to water and the cooler both at camp and while traveling. A step up to the bed when deployed, androom for a third person to sleep.

I have this concept in mind:


We would put cushions on the back and right benches. Tables and chairs underneath the low platform , bins, fuel, water on the low platform and below the benches. Cooler lower right. Room for batteries and heater in the future.

Inspiration from TacoDoc and GooseGear. Didn’t want to do all plywood.

Currently packing to move is really only done by me and multiple ratchet straps makes Access horrible.

I would love to hear input.

Thanks for looking!

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Got a bunch of stuff ordered and installed. Not the full interior, but the initial base. It’s 30mm t-slot 80/20 style extruded aluminum.


We also hooked up the battery to battery charger, blue sea fuse block, and the house battery.


Then this came in the mail!


Installed with cover:

This was all in prep for a partial IDBDR trip with some friends. I didn’t get the flooring installed with the base, but I like space and the potential for organization and ease of deployment and camp breakdown.

Hooked up the interior lights, what an improvement!


I have an issue with my house battery system. Still troubleshooting, but it seems that either a) the charge voltage isn’t high enough (12.8) b) the fridge brain isn’t working right. I think the fridge brain is right, and I’m not doing something right on the charge side.

Didn’t let it affect the trip.

Left Salt Lake late Friday, and made cold camp with a friend by Mackay Reservoir. He was set up camp and I arrived about 11:30pm.

Up early and a nice view from the flip-pac.


Headed north up the Salmon river with Bonner’s Ferry as our destination. Stopped at the farmers market in Salmon and picked up some snacks.


Had a nice lunch in Missoula, and realized we just didn’t need to drive that much. Changed plans and headed towards Wallace. Pulled off of 90 and camped outside of Lozeau.




We were meeting a buddy in Wallace later so instead of chilling, we did a loop and hit a little of the IDBDR. Found a long unused track and did some exploring. Had to clear a bunch of trees. We were so committed that we didn’t take any pictures. Found a great view and set up camp.




More to come.


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Partial IDBDR part 2

We got up and broke camp quickly as the bees were pretty bad. Headed down trail towards Wallace.



One slight mishap, we had a small puncture in a tire. Put on the spare. Since this was Labor Day Monday we would have to wait for Tuesday morning to get it repaired. No worries, went to Radio brewing in Kellogg. Highly recommend the beer here. Burgers were good too!
Met our friend, got the tire fixed and headed south to ensure we made the Magruder Corridor portion of the IDBDR. Ended up camping outside of Dent.


Woke up broke camp and headed for the Magruder.

The area outside of Orofino ID is amazing. Rt 12 along the river was amazing.


Fueled up in Elk City, and hit the trailhead.


Made good time as his is a well maintained road with amazing views:


We made camp at Poet Creek.

TBC ....

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Stalking for the IBDR beta...

Anything you'd do differently with the flippac or the setup now that you've had it out for a few days?


Stalking for the IBDR beta...

Anything you'd do differently with the flippac or the setup now that you've had it out for a few days?

We were pretty excited about the IDBR. Reality is the parts we did were uneventful. Basically well maintained. I was wishing for a little more challenge, but at the end of the day the parts we did weren’t. Seems like most of the roads in N. Idaho are maintained for hunters. None of the tracks we were on would I not drive in a 2000 forester. That said we found challenges when we looked. To be fair we didn’t do that much of the IDBDR we probably covered about 25% of it and a fair bit of that was paved.

As far as the flippac goes. Storage is key! We did about 20 or 30 nights with no storage and packing was a complete PITA. Getting the process down is helping, but I think the full build out will make life much easier.

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Wow, here I was quietly going along when I realized I haven’t posted in here in a while.

So the flippac is being used and I’m happy to report the new torsion bar has made it a few years so far (touch wood).

I beat myself up over storage and ripped out rear build 1 in favor of something more useable after The IDBR.

Some random trip pictures from across the Mountain west.



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I worked with the rear build and there were parts i likes and parts I didn’t. What I liked was structure that kept everything from being bounced around and loose during travel. What I didn’t like was it just became a second place for all of our car camping gear. We used the same bins etc that we always used. So every time we set up camp the truck puked all of our stuff. Our clothes and beading were in the cab. So it went some like pop flippac, unload bed of truck 60%, get stuff from cab, make bed and set up rear of truck.

This was way more effort than it needed to be and reduced the easy quotient that the flippac provides. I wanted to keep the security and functionality, but I needed to make it easier.

Hence build 2.

Swap out most of the bins for permanent storage. This led to replacing some of the drivers side with drawers. Make it comfortable to walk on, my wife really didn’t like the feel of the truck bed under foot. So put a base layer down. Keep fridge accessible from inside and outside, so the slide stayed on the passenger side, but with no more raised floor (to continue to accommodate the drawers and keep overall height of the fridge down and keep a reasonable center isle, custom fridge slide required. I really wanted this to be good so I went back and revisited almost every decision. Too many projects get finished 1 hour after I was supposed to leave. Hence a ton of the frustration with my last build. It just wasn’t right and every bad piece of craftsmanship (couldn’t even call it that) made me not like the back.

I started with the drawers and base. I took my time and did it so I’d be happy. This meant I went on a few trips with only half the rear built out, but that’s ok.

First figure out drawer size and build the frame. HD slides and 30mm aluminum t-slot 80/20 insert brand here.

Made my own drawer slide brackets


Used rivnuts to attach the slides to the bracket and t nuts to attach to the 3030.


Then I decided to make my own drawer boxes. If you count time it’s not cheaper than buying, but I had fun and learned a few things. First no matter how cheap your table saw (mines a free hand me down ex k-mart one) take the time to square it up, true it up and align the blade with the guides.

I found an app to help with cut layout. Cutlister awesome!!

Ripped the drawer sides


Decided to do finger joints

Then used some compression latches for a secure closure


after test fit, and marking the holes, remove (again) drill holes add t-nuts, paint and sealed the floor and reinstall.

You may notice there are latches in the tops. I wanted access to the contents of the top drawer from inside. (Specifically the coffee supplies). I really didn’t know how I was going to cover the side. Since I had to go in a friends birthday trip down the Mojave road (rough right?) it stayed like this for a while.

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Gratuitous Mojave Rd picture.


It worked better than expected. Even considering we got snow instead of 65+* days.

Which brings us to the present-ish.

I took some time to continue the rest of the build. (Yea right. The next phase any way). This is the back and passenger side of the framing. For those rhat don’t do this for a living, and maybe those that do. The pieces go in and out of the truck so many times. The whole piece has been together and apart more than I like to think about.

So here is round 1 of test fitting the rest.

Yup that will do nicely. Continue filling in the structure.


Realize that most (all?) fridge slides are manufactured to be standalone, not directly mounted to the 3030. I had allowed for 1.5” of drawer slides, but not another 1.5” of mounts and such. So more brackets being made and fridge slide mock up.


Slides will be here this week along with some other goodies. I’m gonna try to keep this up to date and include more details. Hope your enjoying the ride.


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Got the fridge slide built.


Had to make some more brackets


Got the tops made, I’m really digging these slam larches.

Then INSTALL!! Install actually happened about 11pm, but I didn’t get a night shot. Here it is with some pillows and leftover Flor tiles.


Pretty good spot for a cup of coffee. With everything accessible from inside, I can do this while the fam sleeps up top.


It has been a long road, but this past trip was finally “easy” again.

Nothing better than a campsite above 9k


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