The only reason I would consider touching up the paint is to prevent rust. But otherwise, I'd leave it alone. If you are wheeling the truck a lot it's all getting covered in pinstripes anyways, so who cares. A few years ago I paid a friend to fix a bunch of dents in my bedsides and repaint them. Then I hit some trails and immediately scratched all of it up. Fast forward to now, and my truck doesn't even have bedsides anymore. I cut them off after the truck got in an accident and both sides of the bed got mangled. It's a trail/adventure truck and it's going to get more scratched up as I continue to enjoy it.
Wheeling trucks as big as ours is bound to lead to body damage. So I wouldn't get too hung up on trying fix what you have. You have a tail light, and now you have an excuse to get a high clearance bumper. It's a win all the way around.