Turtle III For Sale


gnarly deal on this rig.... i have a 1992 idi f350 with a four wheel camper and 400,000 miles.... wish i could add this one to my "collection"


I've been surprised how little interest this rig has generated the previous times when it's been for sale. I hope you get a good sale on it this time.

Todd Z.


New member
It was a steal. all anyone had to do was see it in person. hard to describe just how good of shape this legendary truck is in. honestly it was weird selling this one. even though i'm trying to raise $ and needed to sell it. in the end it was more about who was buying it and what theyre going to do with it, than it was the money. fortunately, the perfect buyer came along and I couldn't be more excited for the new owner. absolutely a perfect fit!!
I hope the new owner, who is a member of the EP forum, posts some updates for all of us to follow.

Arten Fab

This was the worst kinda vehicle for me. I wanted it so bad but it just wasn’t going to work for me... Unbelievably cool and capable. Truly a piece of history and it absolutely was part of my paradigm of what I wanted in a Overland vehicle when I “grew up” and could afford it. However, it also was “The Turtle” not like or inspired by but the actual TURTLE and it was always going to be The Turtle, not mine. No way could I have changed anything and worse yet what if I’d have damaged it?!?! So in the end, I would have relegated myself to simply being its caretaker as a monument to Overlanding. I’m glad you’re excited that you have placed it with someone who will enjoy it. Hopefully carefully!!!

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