Two year circumnaviagtion of Africa in my 2007 JKUR - The Road Chose Me

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hey Everyone,

It's been a long time in the making, and I'm bursting with excitement to announce my next Overland adventure:

Two years circumnavigating the African continent in my 2007 JKUR with custom diesel conversion, camper setup and more.


The Jeep build and all the details for preparation will be covered exclusively at JPFreek Adventure Magazine.

Checkout today's issue for the trip announcement and details of the build:

Also I've got an announcement on my website with my personal feelings and thoughts:

I hope you'll join me for the ride :)


Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Wow! Congratulations. This should be and epic trip and a fantastic read.

Best of luck on the whole project/journey. :beer:



Fantastic, another legendary trip.

Best of luck to you Dan, I'll be following your travels.

I have to ask, you're not going to visit Madagascar?

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader

Fantastic, another legendary trip.

Best of luck to you Dan, I'll be following your travels.

I have to ask, you're not going to visit Madagascar?

Thanks. :)

I really don't know anything about Madagascar, other than it's beautiful. I did a cursory search on how to get the Jeep over there, but to be honest, it's so far away I'm not thinking about it right now.

I'll tackle the West Coast, then think about it and the East Coast while I have a month or two off in South Africa somewhere.
And before that, I have to tackle building the Jeep and getting to Northern Africa!

If there is a super-simple (and not too expensive) way to get the Jeep and myself to Madagascar, I would absolutely love to check it out.
I don't believe there is a full perimeter road, but I bet there are some great tracks to explore!



Yeah, sorry Dan, I forgot about the shipping of the Jeep already :) I suppose you don't want to do too many over a trip.

A friend of mine went there last year and loved it, yeah the tracks are supposed to be very muddy.

I didn't mean to point out where you're not going, I hate it when people do that and I go and do it myself :-S

It would make sense to if it's easy to get yourself and your jeep over there, BUT your trip itinerary looks busy enough, amazing trip even on paper!


Wow Dan, I've been reading through your last trip travel blog before you start your next one.

It's an excellent read with great pics, I never knew you visited the magic bus!

My wife and I love that movie.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Hey Everyone,

I've been hard at work building my Jeep over the last months.
I'm in the middle of an 8,000 mile road trip before the 80,000 mile road trip of my dreams.

The reasoning and rationale for everything I've done, and will do, is now online in the new edition of JPFreek Magazine.
Check it out to understand my madness.

Reg cut the roll bar for me (I was too scared to do it myself)

I put heat and sound insulation in the entire Jeep. Let's see if it keep out those 130F+ days in Africa

I built lightweight cabinets using plastic connectors, aluminum tube and plywood.

The finished product which can be converted into a sleeping platform, including Dometic CFX-35 Fridge - which has been amazing.

Tons more pictures on my site:

The whole story, pictures and reasoning for it all are in the new edition of JPFreek Magazine


P.S. The V6 gas engine is out, and the diesel conversion is well underway!
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Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
This is coming along awesome! :beer:

Going to be an epic adventure, and a very fun read. :)
Once you are on the "trail" will you be able to check in here from time to time, or will everything be on JPFreak mag?

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
This is coming along awesome! :beer:

Going to be an epic adventure, and a very fun read. :)
Once you are on the "trail" will you be able to check in here from time to time, or will everything be on JPFreak mag?

Hey Scott,

Thanks man, I'm super-excited about the build and adventure to come.

On the road I'll absolutely be checking in here as well as and JPFreek Magazine.
I don't know how often I'll be able to find reliable internet, I'll do the best I can.

When the build is complete and the adventure begins, I'll start a thread here in "In Progress Adventures".
I'll be sure to link to it from here, and I'll keep posting Jeep specific stuff here in this thread too.


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