Dan Grec
Expedition Leader
I am far more worried about the decision to swap engines (although I understand it) and the politics of various countries, than I am about the vehicle.
The engine swap was a hard decision to make.
Time will tell if I've made the right choice - if I'm compromised long-term reliability of the drive train, it will have been a mistake. I'm committed now, so I will run with it
N.B. The horror stories of campers being trashed on RoRo seem to be exaggerated and the possibly greater ease of booking RoRo space with the specialist companies, like Sea Bridge (https://www.sea-bridge.de/html/verschiffung.php?language=english) who routinely ship to Africa, might make it worth another look.
I'm probably shipping Halifax, NS to wherever is cheapest in Europe, then driving down into Morocco.
I'm not worried about the "ease" of RoRo Vs. Container. I've done Container before and I'll do it again. Hopefully it doesn't break the budget.