UCE3 - Utah Cruiser Expedition 3

Box Rocket

Well-known member
Enough already. you already crapped in this thread once before and the issue was debated already. Please go post another trip report that nobody pays attention to.


Whatever you want to believe.

Don't you have something better to do? Maybe go to REI and talk about how many adventures you go on, or find some forum and lecture people about how what they do is not as responsible/good/cool/adventurererery/whatever than what you do or have done? Realize, that in your quest to impress upon others this ethical Mt Everest you think your farts occupy, you come off as a bored keyboard pounder who sounds as though he/she has never been tested in real situations and instead has nothing better to do than to lecture people about concepts that they are probably far more versed on than yourself, no matter the regard you appear to have for your own versing (which is obviously substantial). Adversity happens in all sorts of ways, and unlike you, some people are prepared to deal with it and move on whether it be on a trail or on a bulletin board. So, while your desk chair..I mean high horse... is undoubtedly comfy, try to understand that we're all humans with varying levels of perfection, and some of us must be resolved to get by when conditions and situations land somewhere short of ideal.

Also, not that you care since you sound substantially more interested in listening to yourself than understanding the reality of the situation, I was on that NB road a few weeks ago, and oddly enough there was no trace of our trip through there a few months ago. Finally! I solid 7 hours without your Ambien!

It was an amazing trip, and I'm glad I was able to participate. I truly believe there is natural beauty in every corner of the world, but I'm certainly glad to live in a place where even people as thick as myself can be pummeled over the head by it and reminded on a daily basis.


Great thread. As a guy with a three year old son, I look at these pics and enjoy seeing you hanging with family. They look like they are having a blast.


Adventure Seeker
Great post. It makes me want to live out west for the sights, scenery and the not always predictable weather. Keeps up the trips and the photos.

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Box Rocket

Well-known member
Thanks everyone for stopping by and checking out the report! Hope it motivates more of you to get out and do something similar so I can check out your reports.


Great trip, and write up. I'm one of those that think "tread lightly" is a good idea. My view of that, however, is to simply not to tear up more than you have to. You still need to be able to get from point A to B. I find the "tread lightly" crybabies interesting sometimes. Lots of talk about vehicle mods, recovery gear, what's the best tire, lockers... but don't go off the road, somebody will be able to tell you were there... and they won't be able to cross your ruts in their Prius. I'm really looking forward to the day I can take a trip like that. I'm somewhat limited as my truck is a long heavy F-250 Super Duty, so the tight trails aren't good, but I am building her to go where she can fit, and I won't loose any sleep over a track in the mud, even though I hate mud.


Well-known member
...I'm really looking forward to the day I can take a trip like that. I'm somewhat limited as my truck is a long heavy F-250 Super Duty, so the tight trails aren't good, but I am building her to go where she can fit, and I won't loose any sleep over a track in the mud, even though I hate mud.

You would be surprised how much of this route you could handle in a full-size, granted there would be some work-arounds but I'd guess 90% is totally doable.


Box, it does motivate us hugely. That's why we're here. Thanks for taking the time to share. Sadly the rudeness can't be ignored, but for the rest of us, the inspiration outweighs it...

Box Rocket

Well-known member
Box, it does motivate us hugely. That's why we're here. Thanks for taking the time to share. Sadly the rudeness can't be ignored, but for the rest of us, the inspiration outweighs it...

That's the idea. We're all here to encourage each other to get out and explore. Thanks for coming in to take a look.

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