This site was established in 1880 to alleviate the over crowding in the asylums in Brooklyn. Originally the site was owned by the County but when over crowding become a problem even here the state took over the hospital and developed it into a completely self sufficient facility able to generate its own electricity and food as well as having its own spur of the Long Island Railroad. As the population continued to grow in the 1930′s and space became a problem taller buildings were built including the famous Building 93 (pictured above) which would eventually become the hospital/infirmary for the site. By the 1950′s the patient population would reach its all time high at near 10,000. By the early 1990′s the facility had become a mere shell of its former glory with only the first few floors of even Building 93 being used as drugs began to replace therapy for the treatment of mental illness. In 1996 a plan to close the facility was brought to its conclusion with any remaining patients being transferred to nearby Pilgrim Psychiatric Center.
Legends and Paranormal Activity
Apparitions of former patients and staff, disembodied voices including people hearing their name whispered or called out, mysterious mists and light anomalies, unexplained bangs, screams and yells especially coming from the buildings, phantom faces appearing in windows, shadow figures, feelings of being watched and not wanted as well as general feelings of unease and intense sadness, reports of being touched and pushed, loss of power in electrical devices, doors and windows opening and closing on their own and reports of feelings of severe psychic disturbances and negative energy.