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Real quick question on the 5.4 exhaust. I take it you ran the exhaust into a new muffler with two inlets?
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It's T'd in in front of the bumper.
Real quick question on the 5.4 exhaust. I take it you ran the exhaust into a new muffler with two inlets?
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Same problem with crown Victoria models too.My shifter has been getting a little slop to it,356,000 miles will do that. Hard to get into drive, and sometimes I have to hold the shifter up into park to get it to start. I just found this video, my bolts were definitely loose. It's pretty tight but you don't have to remove anything. I used a Torx #30 on a 1/4" ratchet with a 4" extension. You also need a flashlight and a Band-aid, there is some sharp metal up in there.
They are going to continue to make the Cutaways, just not the cargo/passenger vans anymore.
Excellent news
ha ha ya, I am hoping to find a good deal 4-5 years from now on a cutaway and just swap my van body over onto it.
I'm sure it's bured in here somewhere, but can you offer a quick explanation of the lifiting roof on V4 (specs, hardware, controls, weight, etc)
I think I saw that sportsmobile is making a complete body to drop on the cutaways, so they can keep using the Ford platform.
^^ or Chris can just start selling V4 type utility bodies for the cut-away chassis![]()
The burgundy van obviously did not want to share his beerHad a great time last night at the Van Life Rally, such a great group of people! They wore me out, didn't stop talking from 3-10. We brought 8 rigs in various configurations, look forward to next year.
The Sherpa always draws a crowd