Chris, would that storage box be strong enough to hold a couple of 6V AGM batteries @ 75 lbs. apiece? They look great, BTW!
That looks great!
Its made of 3/16 aluminum so yes, it should hold but I personally would rather have the batteries on the skid. This space is better utilized for other things.
I was thinking of an ambulance body and not a van. As you can see by my avatar, mine is a trailer and I already have a generator going on the tongue, so I'm looking for a place to locate 300 lbs. of batteries, and keep the weight centrally located.
However, two of those boxes would be a little expensive just for battery boxes. Nice, but expensive!
I think I'll be adding the skid and the storage box to my build. Looks great!
Speaking of which. I just booked my flights. Check ya email....