Ultimate 100 Expedition Build


Hey guys, I figured I'd post this here since I quit my local Land Cruiser club and can more relate with this crowd.

Phase 1:

My modifications have begun, slowly. I am beginning on the electronics package. Right now I have put in a new K40 Antenna with a top load transmission, large oversized magnet mount base with a medium tension spring.

In the works will be a custom housing to put my Cobra CB into, along with room for a future addition - an Icom HAM radio. Of course, the HAM will come after getting my license to operate, which I hear is much easier these days since morse code is no longer required for basic operation.

I ordered up probably one of the last Lowrance/Eagle DGPS Beacon receivers in the united states. Since WAAS came out, the DGPS stuff has all but disappeared. I like DGPS because it will help correct GPS positioning even in inclement weather. In bad weather, GPS often gets erratic, because the signals have to travel through the atmosphere (clouds, rain etc as well). A DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) signal helps to correct this. Now you can see the advantage of having this sort of set up.

I installed my Lowrance Global Map 100 GPS receiver on a LEI accessories RAM mount in the front left section of my windshield. This makes it easy to see and input coordinates when needed.

The Beacon Receiver uses a special whip antenna, which I have also added a spring to. I have two antennas which I ordered, both made by Shakespeare.
You can use either of these antennas for this DGPS Beacon Receiver:

Shakespeare 173-C which is used for both Loran-C, and DGPS (4').

Shakespeare Galaxy 5224 DGPS whip (4').

Like I said, I bought one of each of these. Both work very well.

I was going to mount the beacon receiver on the ARB bumper when I got to that point, however that might be a little while. So... I decided to fabricate a custom mount.

Here is my install-

First, made a custom bracket which bolted up to the body of the Cruiser just under the hood and in front of the radiator. One bolt was existing as a mount of some sort, and the other was for one of the two horns the 100 has. A bracket was fabricated. I twisted and shaped a piece of steel strap to bring about the angles I wanted and needed to fit through the plastic grill on the front of the Cruiser.

Once bent, cut, drilled etc, I primered and painted it black. Then I mounted it directly to the Cruiser via the two bolts just spoken of. Once in place, I mounted the beacon receiver to the bracket with two large hose clamps. I had already fabricated a holder to put the beacon receiver into out of PVC pipe, and wrapped it all good in electrical tape. Once mounted with the hose clamps, I covered those with more black electrical tape.

I zip tied the cable to the bracket, and then proceded to route the data line for the beacon. I zip tied it across the inside of the grill in about 4 places, then ran along the inner fender wall on the driver side. I then punctured a very small hole into the rubber boot which a large wiring harness was feeding through the firewall into the cab. I fed what I needed inside under the cluster guages, and neatly zip tied up the rest inside the engine bay off to the drivers side. I then added some silicon to the area where I fed the cable through the boot, even though it was a very tight fit.

Inside I had already tapped into the +12V from the AHC fuse point on my drivers side fuse block, and ran my negative to a convenient point on the body in the drivers side foot box. Now, I took the wiring apart to my GPS, added a toggle switch to toggle the Beacon on and off separate of the GPS itself, and soldered up my DGPS signal wires. My GPS is a Lowrance unit, and the DGPS is an Eagle unit, so they are totally compatable (Lowrance makes Eagle). After I got all the soldering done, heat shrinked the connections etc, I tucked it all up nice and neat with more zip ties, and turned on the Cruiser. GPS powered up, light working..... Toggle DGPS Beacon and read a 30dB gain from my antenna. DGPS is working- took a couple minutes to get a DGPS Aquired screen since the nearest transmitter in Aransas Pass, Tx and it's a cold start.

After picking up my tools, soldering station etc, I head down to the local truck stop and pick up a small spring mount to attach to the Beacon, and then attach the antenna to give it even more flexibility. The Beacon bracket I designed flexes and moves a bit to allow it to take up the jolts and off road movement of the Cruiser. Here's a few pictures:

My cruiser with DGPS Beacon Receiver on front with the DGPS whip/spring installed. You can also see my K40 CB antenna on the rear of the roof...


Here's a shot from the back....


The 5" magnet mount.... this is a BIG, BAD magnet... it NEVER moves!


Another picture of the magnet mount with my hand there to see size comparison...


Lowrance Global Map 100 GPS (Off)....


Position Aquired (GPS)...


I flip the DGPS Beacon Receiver switch...


DGPS Acquired....


Corrections screen/DGPS status, Signal strength etc....


Location of mount.....


Phase 1 complete.

Phase 2 will be:

ARB air lockers and 4.88 gearsets front and rear with solid pinion spacers.

Phase 3:

Old Man Emu lift with OME shocks - possibly FOX or OME with the remote reservoir. I am also looking at a new Rancho system on the market.

New heavy duty Upper control arms from JT

Slee IFS Diff Drop kit

35" mud tires (If I cannot find good ones for my 18's, I'll switch to 16" wheels). In the meanwhile, waiting on these mods to fit 35s, I might get 33s to hold me over.

Phase 4:

ARB front bumper (winch ready)

Slee Rock Rails

ARB rear bumper with swing away tire carrier and swing away jerry can carrier.

Slee underbelly protection

Phase 5:

ARB Fridge/Freezer

Safari Snorkel with pre-cleaner

Inti Roof Rack - Complete. I had to do this mod earlier due to restrictions on availability of this rack. See page 5 of the build.

Phase 6:

Dual Optima battery set up with electronic monitor

Winch with synthetic line

Long range fuel cell (from South Africa).
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Lighting will fall somewhere in there. I decided that when I get my ARB front bumper, I am going to fabricate some additional pieces onto it which will improve it's function and allow use of 3 Lightforce 240 lamps with yellow lense covers.

I decided everyone here has had enough chance to thoroughly test the HID lamps offered at your local auto parts store which are running about $110 each. They look like Hella knock offs with the red trim. I decided I'll be going with 4 of those across the front of the roof rack. Also, I am planning to mount several of the yellow lense 'RV' lamps offered by ARB on the rack as well for side and rear lighting when parked and working around the vehicle at night - setting up camp for instance.


On the body of my Cruiser, I am planning to have the contours for the fender wells oversprayed with Line-X. The Line-X will cover the bulges in the quarter panels, and will cover the side trim from just at the top of the trim, to the bottom of the sills. I had this idea a while back, and then while looking at some expedition pics on Alvaros site, I noticed he did the same thing to his 80. It really makes sense in my opinion. It doesn't show wear on the body of the vehicle from branches etc, and it compliments the Cruisers looks.


Today I am working on putting all the pieces of the Inti roof rack together, and painting the roof mounts that I got from ARB. Then I will need to figure out how I am going to install the rack, to the mounts. I might have to do some fabrication. More work, but the rack is worth it.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Looks good!!! Cant wait to see the continuation.

Question for ya, can i use this whip (DGPS Beacon Receiver on front with the DGPS) for my Baja 540c GPS? Sounds like a nice alternative.

EDIT: Looks like the newer Baja only works with WAAS.


Yeah SoCal, the newer Baja only has WAAS. I don't particularly like WAAS, but I don't want to get into another DGPS/WAAS debate. DGPS is great for when there is a problem with the GPS satellites - ionic disturbances, heavy tree coverage, clouds, generally inclement weather. The DGPS will correct errors your GPS is getting because of those conditions.

I spent the whole day gruelingly trying to put these ARB mounts on the roof of my 100. I got 4 on. Bolts too short, two mounts the holes don't line up..... blah blah blah.... what a day. Nothing but ignorant and BS excuses from Man-A-Fre, and even ARB usa over the phone. Tomorrow I am going to have to carefully drill two new holes in two of the expensive roof mounts they sent me. The 100 series roof mount kit is expensive - over $200 to have it shipped to your doorstep.

Ok so whenever I get this mounting system done, I still have to buy some steel and make a sub frame to bolt the Inti Roof rack to because the 100 doesn't use a gutter system. That reallllllly bites. I would have had the rack on today in a couple hours if that were the case. This is a nightmare, but I will make it work. I need to haul out my mig welder and tape measure and get to work. I hate adding weight, but I need a base to mount the rack since there is no way to directly mount it to the arb mounts.
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Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
The Baja540 with the WAAS setup has never ever lost its find on our setup... only if you sit under a over pass or in a tunnel for any length of time. I just wanted the DPGS as a option.

Well the Inti being a major project must have been expected. Im assuming you knew it was gutter mount and your rig wasn't? Otherwise they would have 100 series racks.. not just 60, 80 etc. No worries, It will be worth the work, we love ours and they're very strong.

Paul R

Looks like you have a sweet rig with some great plans! I can't wait to see it all come together :cool:


Yes the Baja is an excellent GPS. I had a similar model in my old FJ40 before they had the Baja. That model was called the GlobalNav 310. I had it for years, but it finally crapped out from constant everyday use. Never lost position even under tree coverage either. This one doesn't loose position because of heavy tree coverage, and especially now with the DGPS feature being used.

Yes I did know the Inti was a gutter mount rack. I wish the 100 had gutter mounts, I would have been done yesterday and not needed the ARB mounts for my roof.


Thanks for all the comments. It's going to be a work in progress for a good deal of time I am sure as none of this stuff is cheap :Wow1:


OG Portal Member #183
Sharp Looking Truck! I LOVE the color!

Having been there done that with expo builds, may i make a suggestion?

I would move your dual battery system and fridge higher up on your phase/priority list! Especially since your adding a bunch of electronics already.

I feel dual bats and fridge are just as important as suspension.

Many folks on here would probably agree!

Oh, and thanks for stealing my title of my build that i was about to start! :hehe:

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