Ultimate 100 Expedition Build


I'm enjoying your buildup, and the amount of thought/care/attention you're putting into it (rather than as some do, just ticking every box at an accessory store)

Just wondering about your front suspension, would the "ultimate" option have been to go with a live axle front end rather than the IFS (as is fitted to your model)

Thanx for taking the time to write up all this detail!




I prefer the IFS to a solid front axle, unlike many others. I had wheeled IFS for years with my first 4wd and never had any problems getting anywhere I needed to go. I also own a FJ40 and all the places I went with the FJ40 the IFS trucks could go as well.

The 100 is very well made, and once the front differential carrier/gears etc is dealt with, nobody has any more issues with that. The ARB with solid pinion spacer set up has proven to be a reliable upgrade to the stock carrier. If anything, you will shear off an axle before breaking the front diff with this set up. I eventually plan to carry two spare axles for an emergency, but I don't do Rubicon so I don't think I'll ever need them.


I have an Optima sitting in the living room on the floor. I was debating the dual battery system....... I really want to do my gears and lockers first though.

Guys, I went and bought all the necessary stuff to attach my Inti rack to the 100. All I have to do is cut it all and weld it up. I'll have to fit it on the vehicle, adjust, and then do the final welding. I'll be very busy tomorrow. You might even see some pictures ....
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Expedition Leader
BiG BoB said:
Just wondering about your front suspension, would the "ultimate" option have been to go with a live axle front end rather than the IFS (as is fitted to your model)

Well, he called it the "Ultimate 100 Expedition Build". By definition, the 100 only has IFS.

The 105, which is not available in North America, has a "live front end" as you stated. It also has a different frame and engine too. Basically, it's a 4.5L petrol 80 series with the 100 series body.


OG Portal Member #183
calamaridog said:
Well, he called it the "Ultimate 100 Expedition Build". By definition, the 100 only has IFS. The 105, which is not available in North America, has a "live front end" as you stated. It also has a different frame and engine too. Basically, it's a 4.5L petrol 80 series with the 100 series body.

Later this year, you WILL be seeing a build thread about a guy in SD rolling a complete solid axle 100 series chassis underneath his IFS 100 basically making a UZJ105 like slees "Blueberry" but it will be ALL OEM parts that came like that from the factory! Stock V8 too!



OG Portal Member #183
LC/LR4Life said:
Boston,I have an Optima sitting in the living room on the floor.

There ya go, you are 1/2 way there! :D

LC/LR4Life said:
I was debating the dual battery system....... I really want to do my gears and lockers first though.

Gears and lockers will not keep your beer or other choice beverage cold though! :D Cmon now, whats more important? :D


Today I got up late. I ended up going outside, cranking up my mig welder and filling in the holes that ARB screwed up on. Then I ground the mounts smooth, and remarked them for properly spaced holes. I then spent an hour drilling them progressively larger til I got to the proper sized hole (a HAIR larger than 5/16). Once completed, I then took the mounts to the Cruiser for a test fit. They fit perfectly, LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE COME FROM ARB. I should send them for a bill for my refab work.

Mounts are out back drying. I primered and repainted them for installation in the morning. Once installed I will start on putting the sub frame sections together to mount on the ARB mounts. This sub frame will be what I mount the Inti rack on. It will integrate seamlessly, and I will be able to keep the wind deflector on my sun roof. It's just gonna rock.... I can hardly wait to get it all done :D


I got all 3 cross members fabricated today to put on the 6 ARB roof mounts. I also installed the 2 ARB front mounts that I had to fill the holes on and re-drill the holes in the right locations.

Tomorrow monday should be the final day of fabrication and total assembly, if it stops raining. I hope it does, I am ready to get this project finished. I have been taking pictures. Once finished and pics are posted if you have questions, feel free to ask me.

PS- Even wearing a long sleeve shirt my left arm is 'sun burned' from welding so much :D


I got the entire sub frame fabricated to mount the Inti roof rack. I found a flaw in the Rack itself. Whoever made it in Venezuela made the rear most cross member a bit too short. So the rack is the same width from the front, through the middle, and then tapers slightly towards the back end. I found this when I set the Inti on top of my SQUARE sub frame. So..... that is another issue to deal with. Not that big of a deal, but I found it interesting.

I decided that I am going to weld plates to the side of the sub frame, and bolt the rack frame to those plates. The rack frame will sit right down on top of the sub frame, between the mounting plates. In turn, the rack will be bolted right to the sub frame via 12 bolts (3/8") with Nylock nuts toward the inside. I thought I would be done today. Not the case..... However, a good job often takes time.


OG Portal Member #183
LC/LR4Life said:
I found a flaw in the Rack itself. Whoever made it in Venezuela made the rear most cross member a bit too short. So the rack is the same width from the front, through the middle, and then tapers slightly towards the back end.

I dont think thats a "flaw".

If i am not mistaken, you rack is made for an 80 right? I think the 80 body itself tapers to the back a bit.

EDIT: In fact, i am almost positive the 80 body tapers to the rear!

Of course, i could be wrong......

First time for everything! :xxrotflma


I'm done for the night.....

3 mounting plates welded on to the sub frame, the other 3 go on tomorrow....

Then, I gotta paint the whole sub frame, and install it on the Cruiser. The Inti will go onto that.... I can hardly wait to get this done. I don't recall ever putting this much dedicated time into anything vehicle related before :D


OG Portal Member #183
LC/LR4Life said:
I don't recall ever putting this much dedicated time into anything vehicle related before :D

You are in for a rude awakeing my friend!

Sounds like you got the "Cruiser Mod Bug" pretty bad!!!

When your loved one is in the driveway holding a flashlight so you can finish a mod @ 10pm "Just Cause" then you know you got it bad! :elkgrin:


I was welding by feel in the dark !!

Luckily I am a commercial diver and used to not being able to see or I would have been in real trouble :D


Looks good!!! Cant wait to see the continuation.

Question for ya, can i use this whip (DGPS Beacon Receiver on front with the DGPS) for my Baja 540c GPS? Sounds like a nice alternative.

EDIT: Looks like the newer Baja only works with WAAS.

Now my turn for a question !! I was thinking to put my lights spaced two on one side, two on the other like what you are running...... I was looking at about 7" HID lamps everyone is getting from the local parts store for about $100 each. Are your lamps 7", and what was the spacing you used between lamp mounts hole to hole etc.......?

Thanks! I am off to the shed to weld.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
LC/LR4Life said:
Now my turn for a question !! I was thinking to put my lights spaced two on one side, two on the other like what you are running...... I was looking at about 7" HID lamps everyone is getting from the local parts store for about $100 each. Are your lamps 7", and what was the spacing you used between lamp mounts hole to hole etc.......?

Thanks! I am off to the shed to weld.

Great question actually. I went to get those lights and actually returned them due to this reason. The perfect diameter light for the INTI would be a 6" and no bigger. The HID's are barely out of that range, however with their real bulky mounting pad, they peak over the light cage. They look rediculous and 10% of your light will be shining right through the steel hoop. Im running the HELLA 500's and they fit perfectly. They're not that bright, but you can always upgrade to the 100 watt bulb. Off hand i don't know the spacing from hole to hole. My rack is pretty old so it may be different, if you need me to measure i can go do that for you. No problem.


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