Unopened Case of Quikclot Combat Gauze


I have for sale one unopened case of 50 quikclots. Expiration date of 2/13 but they have been stored in cool, dry conditions so they should be good to go for years to come. I'm asking $850 shipped, obo, which is about $10 less per piece than it can be found anywhere else.


Expedition Leader
Please either explain what this is and how it works or add a link. If this is the first Gen, powder, then please, PLEASE state it is for dire, life or death only situations. Does it work? yes. Is it an end all fix for an injury... not by a long shot. There are risks. I'm not trying to hinder your sale or make it sound like this is a bad product. But its not exactly something would carry unless almost all chance of an alternate aid/rescue was even remotely available. Also, this is 100% something you must keep far away from kids.
Good luck with your sale...and sorry for the PSA. :)


Expedition Leader
Do not use those. They are terrible and dangerous. The military does not use them anymore. All it does is burns the flesh so it stops bleeding.

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flighht, please don't spread false info on my thread. They no longer use the powder, this is the gauze that doesn not burn.
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Expedition Leader
Please don't spread false info on my thread. They no longer use the powder, this is the gauze that doesn not burn.

It's not false. Ask anyone who has deployed within the last 4 years. The moment we got our CLS bags they took quick clot away and told us to never use it.

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Jeees guys, give it a break!

You wanna whine about the stuff start your own thread and let him sell his stuff. He stated exactly what it was for sale. In addition to having your facts wrong, your are being quite rude.


Expedition Leader

Jeep, as stated it is the new combat gauze.

Sorry sir, Completely missed the header part.
To any interested, this IS a vastly improved product over the 1st Gen stuff. I keep some of these in my bug out bag just for a SHTF kind of day and yes, they work. I've had to use both versions for their original intents and that is why I was concerned this was 1st Gen. 2nd gen stuff still isn't pleasant to use but what serious injury is? The advantage is the gauze doesn't give the medics hell trying to repair the repair.
Sorry to sound like I was being a scare monger. I meant it only with good intent. These I would buy if I didn't already have my own. Good luck with your sale.


Expedition Leader
These serve their intended purpose. If your bleeding out at a rate fast enough for these to not help then you will either (hopefully) be being attended to by someone else or a tourniquet should be being employed. If you have a severe puncture or reasonable laceration these will slow and often stem the flow. If you've managed to cut off your arm or something...well.... your screwed. Like I mentioned... I've used these real world and there are a few of my brothers still alive and putting bad guys in boxes due to having these on hand.
Combat Gauze is definitely the good stuff. Especially when compared to the old "Quick Clot"
while made by same company this is a vast improvement over the powder.
But in that being said- unless you really know how to use this its essentially useless!

GLWS OP! Good thing to offer everyone on here!

reaper 11

New member

If u still have the case of quickclot lets work a deal what is your absolute rock bottom price
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