URE!8 Uwharrie Rover Expedition!8


Mark, I'm glad you'll be able to join us this year... We've missed you for a couple of years now. You here to stay?


Steven, is there a way to order a second t-shirt for my wife (who would be coming along)? I haven't paid up because I wasn't sure what the best way to do that would be. I'm planning on coming, of course with my schedule, things change. I assume if I can't make it I can pick the t-shirt(s) up at a later date (pretty please)?


Just found out today that my lifelong buddy (we walked to Kindergarden together) and godfather to my kids is visiting with his family that weekend. I am afraid that puts me out of contention for this trip :-(

Maybe I can still convince the wife it will be an easy way for us to get out of her hair... hmmmm...



Just found out today that my lifelong buddy (we walked to Kindergarden together) and godfather to my kids is visiting with his family that weekend. I am afraid that puts me out of contention for this trip :-(

Maybe I can still convince the wife it will be an easy way for us to get out of her hair... hmmmm...


So a coupe questions regarding the above post.

1) Can we come out and just ride on Saturday (no problem paying for the event, just won't be able to stay.

2) Can my 16 year old come along with his Jeep? It is well built and he is an awesome and well experienced off road driver (like 8 years). That will give us two vehicles, my 97 disco and his 2000 TJ, locked, winch, etc....

Thanks for the info, I don't want to be a burden.



Steven, is there a way to order a second t-shirt for my wife (who would be coming along)? I haven't paid up because I wasn't sure what the best way to do that would be. I'm planning on coming, of course with my schedule, things change. I assume if I can't make it I can pick the t-shirt(s) up at a later date (pretty please)?

If you would like 2 shirts (1 for you, 1 for wife), then just order them through the registration web site. If you are not sure that you will for sure be able to make it, then do not pay for the membership/event at that time. We can square up at the event. If you do not make it, we will figure out a way to get you your shirt(s)... But we are thinking positive thoughts now... aren't we :)


So a coupe questions regarding the above post.

1) Can we come out and just ride on Saturday (no problem paying for the event, just won't be able to stay.

2) Can my 16 year old come along with his Jeep? It is well built and he is an awesome and well experienced off road driver (like 8 years). That will give us two vehicles, my 97 disco and his 2000 TJ, locked, winch, etc....

Thanks for the info, I don't want to be a burden.


John, we would love to have you out for just the day if that is all you can do. However, Jeeps are strictly forbidden.. Ha, Just kidding. But how at age 16 can he have 8 years experience. You are saying he has been driving an off road vehicle since the age of 8 :yikes:

You are no burden. Hope to see you in a couple of weeks.


But how at age 16 can he have 8 years experience. You are saying he has been driving an off road vehicle since the age of 8 :yikes:

My bad... 7 years experience. He was driving our jeep rubicon (RIP) on the bunny trails at ure since 2004. And has since hit trails all over URE, Tellico, windrock, Snowshoe (jeep jamboree) and A couple UFWDA events in virginia. Now, at 16, if we can keep the testosterone from flowing too much, he is a great driver:smiley_drive:

Thanks for the answers and flexibility.


Dale, I guess I'm supposed to pick up some roof rack feet or something from you to take back to Clint (Crankin)... sound about right?


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correct- got them all together for you- they are Hannibal, so a bit long as in full length gutter of D-II. Sent you a pm as well re:URE See you next w/e

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