US Citizen with Australian Registered Vehicle?


Yankee here trying to purchase a AUS vehicle. It's probably not allowed in the USA (2009 Right Hand Drive Fuso), so another option would be to keep a AUS registry while we travel the world with it.

Any US Citizens here on the list have a AUS registered vehicle.

Looking for the particulars of how to do this...



Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Yankee here trying to purchase a AUS vehicle. It's probably not allowed in the USA (2009 Right Hand Drive Fuso), so another option would be to keep a AUS registry while we travel the world with it.

Any US Citizens here on the list have a AUS registered vehicle.

Looking for the particulars of how to do this...


Yes, to bring it into the US it would have to be temporarily imported by a non-resident.

Foreigners can register vehicle in Australia, but you need an Australian address.


Hi From Australia
whilst I am not a USA citizen, I have met meany people who have purchased Australian registered vehicles here who are tourists.
A lot of the European backpackers do it most just use the address of the hostel they are staying at for this.
If you want to make it a more permanent arrangement then a number of groups can sell you a forwarding mailbox that allows you to have an address.

1 word of caution though every state and territory in Australia has its own rules on vehicle registration. Some require that an annual inspection be carried out some like WA were I am from don't.
Generally we are probably quite a relaxed country to get things done in with exception of importing things, guns and knives!!! oh scratch that most of the things that one can kill another with except cars we are hard to deal with.

if you have some specific questions just drop me a private message and if I know the answers I will try and help
Carts from WA

Scott Brady

It is quite easy. I drove a Land Cruiser around the world that we had registered in Australia. You need an AU address and will need to obtain insurance as a visitor


New member
It is quite easy. I drove a Land Cruiser around the world that we had registered in Australia. You need an AU address and will need to obtain insurance as a visitor

Any issues with it being RHD? Im told many countries wont allow them to enter. ie Costa Rica have a strict no entry policy. So in order to get north or south you have to ship the car.
I know this is a late reply, but we are US citizens with an Australian registered vehicle. If you are still trying to sort this out, please feel free to message us.

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