Used 4X4, won't move now


if you are on a slight downhill let it coast a bit while attempting to shift...they can be pretty finicky when not setting level/fully unloaded drivelines.


While I agree that the most likely place to start looking is shift motor and electrics, I assume electric shift, I would absolutely start by making sure the transmission has enough fluid and it isn’t burned. The “rebuilt 20k ago” part makes me think that just about anything could be wrong.
Is it cold where you are? That could affect shifts or fluid pressure.

be extremely careful climbing under while troubleshooting, that is how “I ran my friend over” stories start. Consider removing the driveshafts and just watching yokes turn to determine what is working.
It was rebuilt n upgraded at the time of the conversion to 4wd.
Yes it is cold where I am, I will check the transmission fluid level in the morning.
It is a manual t-case so I will do as Chris recommends and disconnect the lever and try to shift from underneath as no electronics.
Bus is already chocked and will stay that way until i am ready then try to back it up.
Dont want to run over the friends coming to help nor have it roll down off the top of the dropoff where it is and down into my neighbors spring after taking out my storage and goat sheds.
Will disconnect driveshafts after checking linkages so can see what's turning and what's not.


Well, went out this morning to figure it out. Started her up and let her get to temp. Had difficulties turning the steering wheel left or right but eventually made it work. Put it into 4wd again and relocked the hubs, pumped the brakes up a bit and was able to get her to move.
Guess she bound up one way or another but VERY glad she is mobile now. Tried 4wd again and no issues so will take it as it goes. Been driving all day and no issues.

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