Utah in the fall 2015 - 9 days, 475 off-road miles, and 14 hours of digging! (PICS!)


As the night grew darker, we couldn't take pictures but the trail/wash got retarded. We were rock crawling the van in this huge, sandy wash...in the rain. As much as I wanted to camp there, it wouldn't have been smart (flash flood possible), so we turned around and found some higher ground. I was also pretty concerned about getting stuck without another vehicle there, and no winch.

I'll try to post more tonight! The super gnarly stuff is coming...


The first leg of your trip has me in suspense, but you haven't nearly died so far in this story. Feening for more!

I'm all about safety now, Mike.

Seriously, get your Scout ready. There are more trips on the horizon and this was so fun and exciting. I was thinking you could get a trailer like mine and put one of those fold out topper tents on it for the family. It would be soooo cool! Or convert your van to 4x4 and be done with it!


New member
I'm all about safety now, Mike.

Seriously, get your Scout ready. There are more trips on the horizon and this was so fun and exciting. I was thinking you could get a trailer like mine and put one of those fold out topper tents on it for the family. It would be soooo cool! Or convert your van to 4x4 and be done with it!

The Scout is ready. (as much as projects ever are)

I have always liked your trailer and I would love one with a RTT on it. If i got one, I would have to store it at your house as it would be trailer #3...

Anyway, on with the Adventure!


Day 4
October 30th

We woke up to an amazing view (as usual on this trip)! I'll post up a couple panoramic pictures of camp to see if they work. The other pictures are from camp as well.

This one you can see the sun and the moon...

I'm really happy with my set-up...been wanting this since I was a little kid!

The dirt was about as good as it gets, from a dirt bike guy point of view!


Finally caught up to your trip report, amazing pictures! I saw some highlights posted elsewhere earlier but I much prefer the full scoop! Impressive how far you could push your van. I'll have to join you once mine gets converted in the fall...

As you know I love old Skool vans, but check out this video of one pretty wild 4x4 60's truck ;)

Thanks again!


Finally caught up to your trip report, amazing pictures! I saw some highlights posted elsewhere earlier but I much prefer the full scoop! Impressive how far you could push your van. I'll have to join you once mine gets converted in the fall...

As you know I love old Skool vans, but check out this video of one pretty wild 4x4 60's truck ;)

Thanks again!

That thing is awesome!


I'm thinking Mike needs to update that van also. One of these days I hope to make a trip. Need to pick up a friends bike hauler that does double duty.

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Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
Those rain ruts are getting a little big and snotty to be pulling a trailer, out by yourself, little/no recovery gear. An adventure for sure!
Anticipating what lies ahead!


New member
Looks like fun. I can't wait to see the rest of the trip. I've been through most of those areas. I can't believe you took such a large rig through in the rain. Those trails can get really sloppy!


Thanks again, guys!

Ok...so I left off at sunrise on day 4. Kristal and I were glad to see some sunshine after constant rain all night. We were still by ourselves but planned on meeting Dennis and Kyle around lunch. We had some obstacles to deal with and we weren't sure how much damage the rain did to the trail. It wasn't bad though, and the sun shining on the mountains was awesome.

I did a little bit of damage (scratches) along the right side of the van on this little deal. I chose the wrong line, slid off a rock, and connected the side of the van to the embankment. I wasn't too happy about it but oh well...I've done plenty of stuff in this thing that should've messed it up good; so I had it coming!

Back on the beautiful Burr Trail road...Little did we know, we would soon be crossing those snow-capped mountains!



If you are ever in the neighborhood, and you see this sign, do yourself a favor and follow it!

Once you reach the end of the trail, there is a hiking trail that takes you to an amazing overlook. It looks like it was graded from God himself. I don't know if it was a flood, a glacier, or both...but it's huge!

Then turn around and go back to the Burr Trail.
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Shortly after getting back on the Burr Trail, we hit this big grade called the Burr Trail Switchbacks. They weren't lying, there's a bunch of them. Apparently Kristal doesn't like heights much, so we didn't grab many pictures. It would've looked way cooler if we were going up, but they were still impressive.

Then the trail turned into more of a highway, actually smoother than most SoCal freeways.

Even with traffic.

Little reminders every once in a while that you need to stay on your toes.

I gotta admit, I could have a good time in a parking lot...as long as I'm driving something. Drifting the van and trailer around the curves at 60mph was pretty fun. If you "whip it good", the trailer throws a nice little roost. The pictures didn't do it justice so I won't waste bandwidth.

We met up with Dennis and Kyle without missing a beat. I soon realized we were heading into the mountains (remember, we were winging it). We stopped for lunch and to tell stories about how dumb we got the night before, then continued on.

I love mud...not sure why. It takes hours to clean everything!

It was right around here that we met a ranger. Nice guy. He talked to Kristal and I while Dennis and Kyle waited behind us. He asked where we were going and gave us a solid warning not to go over the pass, but detour around it. He said he drives this route all the time and even he wouldn't dare go over the pass with that much snow. We said goodbye and headed for the pass. I think he knew it but smiled and waved.

Then we started our decent into Hanksville.

I'll post more tomorrow hopefully. I gotta get back on the road. Hope you are enjoying the write up and I'm sorry it's taking forever.


Great pictures as usual! And this Ranger must have been from Florida or similar (don't mean to offend anyone! :p) cause that's just a nice little drop off snow! You must be glad you carried on...

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