I have owned an espar in a diesel and a gas... the diesel version is more sensitive, than your Diesel engine, to fuel geling... and even with seasonal fuel and anti gel formula, I have had the espar shut down on me due to extreme cold temps.
Heating batteries does wonders. Back in college we had a nasty cold front blow in. Truck started but stalled when I let the clutch out, thick gear oil. Would not start again. Went from a slow crank to no crank. Pulled the battery, brought it inside, into a sink of hot water. An hour later back in the truck and started right up. Eased the clutch out this time. Warm batteries do great. I guess that is why they do battery heaters when you live in really cold places.
I have been to -20F, too cold to want to be outside....
I built our current truck with cold in mind, running a Airtop 3500 (too big...) house batteries are inside, water tank is inside, all water lines are inside. No water to toilet (flush with antifreeze). Starting batteries have blankets, but that's it. I hope they do ok.... I can jump from house batteries if needed. Block heater if there are hookups (rarely). Its 1.75" spray foam in the walls, 3.75" in the ceiling, none in the floor yet.... I run Jet A in my diesel heater, no gelling issues, and cleaner than diesel.
It's loud outside? It doesn't have a muffler? I have never heard of that.. every espar I have had , 2 diesels and 1 gasoline, all had mufflers and we're very quiet outside
.. congrats..
There is an intake silencer which makes it even quieter. There are several tricks to making the fuel pump ticking inaudible too.