Van penthouse idea


Rendezvous Conspirator
This is a pretty common idea. Here are some photos I grabbed way back in 2010. I went so far as to purchase a Maggiolina tent and have it delivered to my friend's shop in anticipation of grafting it onto my van. About three days after it was delivered, I found the older GTRV I ended up using as a donor vehicle instead and send the tent back.




^^^ hates cars
Is Penthouse still published?

That made me curious. Didn’t dig deep but first article I found said they stopped publication in 2016.

Shenrie, how have I missed that Chevy/hauler/monstrosity you pic'd above? That thing is crazy.

I don’t even remember where I found a pic. Just a stumble. There’s more pix of it out in webland, but no clue how to find them. Might have a couple saved on the work computer. I’ll post’em up if I find them.

The reason it isn't done more often is because RTT's are prohibitively expensive.

IMHO, the China rtt’s are perfect for a venture like this. Quite a variety of them available between 600-1100 bucks. People knock the China part of that equation, but I’d be really surprised if the fancy ones from American companies weren’t just rebranded.

That wouldn't deter me in the slightest... I'm fine with ruining resale value since I keep everything until it falls apart anyway.

^^^ this is me. by the time I’m done with a vehicle it’s either tired and abused so bad it’s ready for scrap, or it’s gotten well known and someone throws me an insane amount of money for it.

A pop-up with folding hard walls would be ideal, but I've never seen one for sale.

^^^ that is seriously a really good idea. Main thing I don’t like about the rtt’s is how small and the lack of windows in them. With fold up hard sides you could go crazy with the view.


Well-known member
Is Penthouse still published?

the Penthouse Forum was the best. i actually believed these letters were true!

"Dear Penthouse Forum,

i never thought this would actually happen to me, but wait until i tell you ...."

ah; the dreams of a young lad in his formative years . . . s i g h. or course now, better than that is on every street corner, but i guess that's "progress".

in one direction or another. just glad i don't have daughters.


Expedition Leader
Cool, I tried to fill in the blanks and couldn't. I tried searching for Abitibis, but could not locate the name. Any chance you have that thread saved?
Thanks in advance!

I have a ‘97 Crestline... Ambuland was an ‘01 if memory serves me right.



You'll get plenty of pictures of mine in my old for sale post but for more details then my old build thread has more info. (Posted above by Bikersmurf)


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