
X2, take the smaller, lighter truck. Lot's of off camber, and trees on tight trails means damage to the camper.


Expedition Leader
How is the mud in Vt? The dead G has a fresh set of dura tracks and the lx470 substitute has 60-70% tred bfg at's. I'm curious if it's worth taking the time to swap tires. The duratracks definitely clear clay better.
How is the mud in Vt? The dead G has a fresh set of dura tracks and the lx470 substitute has 60-70% tred bfg at's. I'm curious if it's worth taking the time to swap tires. The duratracks definitely clear clay better.

Zimm, with all the rain we've had this year, the mud is pretty substantial. I'd switch to the good sneaks.
1993 Camel Trophy winner, Michael Hussey, to attend VOT!

Ladies and gentlemen, I have tremendous news. Last winter, when I was cooking up the harebrained scheme that is VOT, I found myself gathering inspiration by watching every Camel Trophy video I could find on Youtube. At some point at about 2 in the morning one night in a bleary-eyed trance watching the vids, I stumbled across the 1993 CT Malaysia vid. At the end of the vid, I heard the narrator exclaim, "Big congrats to Tim Hensley and Michael Hussey....OF MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT!

Now we've all heard of well-known CT vets like Bill Burke, Tom Collins, Daphne Green and Jim Swett, etc., but I had never heard of Mike Hussey and, what's more, that was THE ONLY YEAR THE US TEAM EVER WON CT!

So a quick google search later and I find a Michael Hussey in Middlebury and he's the nordic ski director at Middlebury College. Could it be the same guy? I get his email from the MC athletics website and write to him. No response, which is kind of what I expected. A few days ago, I said what the heck and wrote to him again and low and behold he responded and, yes, it's THE Michael Hussey, 1993 CT winner!

But, listen to this. Not only does Michael love the idea of VOT, he's going to BE AT BASE CAMP ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 TO CHILL WITH THE WHOLE VOT POSSE!!!!!!!!!

That's right, Michael will swing down and have a Lillie Brook Farm burger and beer with us and we get to pepper him with questions about the real Camel Trophy!!!

For folks on the fence about coming to R-ham to camp at the farm for the weekend, I hope this provides enough incentive. This is not to be missed!

Here's the 1993 CT vid: (go to 1 hour and you'll see Michael's victory interview)


New member
As of last night my team mate informed me that due to his work load he would have to cancel on me. So I am out a team mate and me being in Florida it is virtually impossible to find a replacement team member at this late date. So with great disapointment I have to pass on this one, so another team would like to take our place on this awsome adventure you can contact me at


Daddymow, have you reached out to Peter to see if there are any one of folks trying to get in to complete a team? Might not be too late.


New member
Yes I have and he is, understandably, way too busy to play match maker at this point. Also there is the point of a team really has to be comfortable with each other. I have known my team mate since second grade (we're 49) and we have been wheeling together since we were 16. I have reached out to some guys who are very experienced but this late in the game it is difficult to find a good match. But if the right situation came along I would jump.


Expedition Leader
Yes I have and he is, understandably, way too busy to play match maker at this point. Also there is the point of a team really has to be comfortable with each other. I have known my team mate since second grade (we're 49) and we have been wheeling together since we were 16. I have reached out to some guys who are very experienced but this late in the game it is difficult to find a good match. But if the right situation came along I would jump.

i personally wouldnt take it THAT seriously. if could team up with another abandon truck, id do it. i paid to have fun, and if i DNF due to, whatever, so what.

for me the effort began long before that starting line. i just switched rigs due to technical difficulty, and now rig two may have the dreaded landcruiser a343 trans disease. i'll make the call today, to see if i end up in the shop utility 4x4, or risk it... but either way, im going.


Expedition Leader
Zimm, with all the rain we've had this year, the mud is pretty substantial. I'd switch to the good sneaks.

the gwagon sacrificed it shoes to the lexus too. . . . . its now a shell. :) goodby gratz, hello araco!

and i learned how to use a tire machine in the interim.

me> hey, (mechanic) i need the tires swapped, but im not paying you.

my mechanic> the tire and balance machine is over there. lemmie show you how to use it.

im already a better man due to VOT.


Good luck getting ready. I feel your pain, I have my entire power steering system apart awaiting a hose, replacing joints, bushings, etc. No matter what you bring to drive, it will be fun.


Expedition Leader
Good luck getting ready. I feel your pain, I have my entire power steering system apart awaiting a hose, replacing joints, bushings, etc. No matter what you bring to drive, it will be fun.

i think im sorta good. i cleared the ecu with a battery disconnect, and while it still idles low it isnt stalling, like its the torque converter/shim issue known to LC 100's in my production vin. so, while it was mimicking the problem to a T, wiping the ecu memory wouldnt affect a mechanical issue in the tranny.

so its merely a sensor thats not bad enough to throw a code at me yet, and we all know, the best way to find out exactly whats dying is to be knee deep in crap, as far from pavement as possible.

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