Versa Trailer Done


Well, technically they are never done... Done for today anyway.



OK, time to start over. I ordered another new axle that will allow me to run wheels that match the JK in the background.

Then... I entered the "Midas Well". That is when you say to yourself, "Since I have the axle out I Midas Well redo this, and I Midas Well do that". It is named after Midas because it usually takes a King's ransom to get out of it.

I removed the fenders, and both tailgates. Then I noticed that the side panels are merely bolted on. A grab of the angle grinder, and the side panels are in a pile with the tailgaltes and fenders. They are off to the sandblaster on Monday. Not worth it to grind this stuff by hand. By Wednesday I predict the panels will be painted the same color as the Jeep. Undecided on powdercoat vs paint, though. It probably depends on how close a match I can get with the available powdercoat colors. The inside will be lined, so the job is only half as big as it appears.

I am also removing the factory tongue and adding about eight inches to it. That will allow me to jacknife 90 degrees without hitting the corners of the Heep, and allow for full tailgate usage. Further, in the current configuration I cannot see the trailer AT ALL in my rear view mirror. Moving it back will help with that, too.

For those who don't know, these trailers only weigh about 300 lbs with the factory 8 or 12 inch tires. A bit more with the rubber I am going to run, but overall a perfect size for a vehicle like the Jeep. That lid is a factory pieces, and is fiberglass. There are prop rods inside that hold it open in a clamshell configuration, or the lid can be removed in seconds. There are stake pockets, too, if you want to run a different configuration. The unit is a tilt trailer, but a previous owner welded the tongue stationary. Probably a good idea. Not sure the tilt function would be all that useful since it is a foot and a half higher than stock now.

I will get more pictures soon if you are interested. Too tired to grab the camera after being up for 20 hours.


Expedition Leader
I have a Coleman Caboose that I am debating on doing something with one of these days, or just sell it and get rid of one more project.



Removing the sides was quick work with the angle grinder. Looking closely, I dont think there is a single weld in the whole trailer, with the exception of the welding of the tongue by a previous owner.


Slight change of plans. After discussing it with the sandblaster, we are going with automotive base clear, to make for a closer match to the Jeep.

I removed the axle today, and hit the underside of the trailer with a wire brush. Pounded the flanges flat again so when the panels come back they should bolt right up.

Now that I have the bed upside down I will remove the original tongue and install one a bit longer. I will also run the wiring for the lights.

Wait a minute. Why ddin't I start from scratch?


Supporting Sponsor
Ah the fun of builing a new trailer, rebuilding an established trailer, seems one way or another were never right.

But it looks good, and anxious to see it progress.


Tour Guide
I have one of these little Versa Trailers with the lid for sale out in Utah. Anyone interested. Hijack over.


For those considering one of these, let me offer my observations.

They are inexpensive to buy, but there is a reason for that. They are the volkswagen bug of trailers. Good enough for light duty running around, but in stock configuration they are simply not going to be good enough for the ilk of this forum. I bought the trailer bone stock with the weenie 8 inch wheels. So far I have replaced / will replace the tongue, the axle, the wheels and tires, the fenders, the leaf springs, the safety chains, the coupler, the wiring and the taillights. That does not leave anything but a few pieces of bolted together iron and some sheet metal. The frame rails are not as strong as I would like, and the one-foot tall sides leave a bit to be desired, too. The lid is cool, but it twists due to the lack of strucure every time you open it. I am guessing that it is about as strong as the box your Big Mac comes in. I put the lid in the shed during the winter because I dont doubt that any amount of snow would collapse it.

By the time I am done, I will have close to 1000 dollars in this trailer, some of that due to mistakes on my part. That amount will go down if I choose to sell the brand new axle and the wheels and tires from the first attempt. The price would be lower if I were not sandblasting and color matching the paint to the Jeep, too. But you know what? I enjoy building it. I dont beat myself up over the mistakes, and the wife actually likes the project and helps with it. How can I call that a waste of money?

With all of that being said, my next trailer will not be a Versa Trailer. I will build from scratch. There is just not enough substance here for the expedition portal kind of guy. For the people wanting to move a lawn mower from the house to the cottage? Maybe. Carrying some plywood sheets from Home Depot? Sure. Looking pretty damn cool when painted to match your Jeep? You bet! Expedition material? Look elsewhere.



Sorry for the lousy cell phone picture. Got the new axle mounted as well as a pair of JK wheels I had on hand. They are 16 inch and not the optional 17 inch wheels that match the JK, but those will come soon. At least now the trailer rolls on its own again.


Dang. The 17 inch wheels dont fit under the fenders. Looks like I run the 16s until I get spacers under the leaf springs or change the springs or come to my senses. I am sure one of those three things is bound to happen sooner or later.

My bonehead moment of the day was spending 20 minutes trying to mount the tailgate before realizing it was upside down. I was so proud of myself.


Expedition Leader
Dang. The 17 inch wheels dont fit under the fenders. Looks like I run the 16s until I get spacers under the leaf springs or change the springs or come to my senses. I am sure one of those three things is bound to happen sooner or later.

My bonehead moment of the day was spending 20 minutes trying to mount the tailgate before realizing it was upside down. I was so proud of myself.

Extend the shackle mounts. And we all have those "bonehead moments", especially while working on stuff after a long week.

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