naw I got some Evolution Ale out of SLC, wife musta thought it funny..
back on topic eh? So I found another reason to favor the Victron Ecosystem this last outing w/my Battleborn LFP.. Wife turned on Microwave w/Crockpot still on and instantly tripped the BMS over current protection.. and had the unfortunate effect of resetting my SOC to 0% since it also cut power to the BMV-712.. if I had a Victron LFP, SOC would be determined by the battery and any BMS protection would not cause this loss.
Until I got the battery fully charged to calibrate SOC, I was using the charge voltage and current to guesstimate SOC%..
This was one week camping in the south western canyon lands with ample sunshine all for the last day, with varying locations, terrain, environments.. 100AH LFP w/650W of Solar
Max Wattage Seen in a Day: 433W
Min Wattage Seen in a Day: 192W
View attachment 545843
As you can see the output varies dramatically when your constantly on the move, really only 3 days I even saw a float charge.. I did have to use the generator twice.. but both for very short periods (1h max)
Rooftop solar was largely a bust this trip for daily camp loads, still needed portable pretty much every day unless we were straight desert.. though it did great recharging while driving and it even charged the LFP up one day WHILE running the crockpot w/some BBQ Pulled Pork simmering away all day.. was awesome setting up camp and eating such a good meal w/so little effort.. need to get seperate controllers for the panels so I can evaluate them individually instead of as a pair.. but right now it seems if I want to stave off the Generator the portable panel is going to be key for my needs (~51AH/day)