Down here there is a mob called 4x4 Action, they make their money flogging accessories mostly to incoming 4x4 enthusiasts. We also have governments closing access to State Forrest, National Parks at a rate never seen before. 4x4 Action love to make a DVD that basically says put lockers in your car, bigger exhausts, bigger tires, chip it.....then engages all and launch it. That's what 4x4ing is all about. A lot of it doesn't really affect the environment, but when you see a 5 blokes driving their pride and joy like they stole it in the name of adventure, it doesn't look good.
National Parks won't admit it, but appear to be closing access for their own staff's OHS requirements. But use public safety and environmental protection as the main reasons. Many of the tracks have been there for 100 to 150 years, and all of a sudden a rare frog or plant is found, or a slop, track, is deemed to dangerous for the public. In reality NP's don't want to find Arthurs mate on their land dead, and give their staff the regrettable job or retrieving him, thus exposing NP's up line to litigation. Something Australia has truly embraced after watching the American lawyers.
The media also love to find some stranded 4x4er bogged in lands where he should never have been, like some wet lands, Aboriginal lands, or anywhere that has been closed off so they can make a buck from it as well.
Yes we all look for adventure, but putting a mate on a bonnet in flooding waters when the only reason is to get home doesn't chime the bell in my books. I'd bet the organisers of Camel would have said no to that one unless down river was smoothing out and it was possible to rescue any competitor in need. And putting a line on Arthurs mate is only going to act as a anchor point to pull him under unless he has a life jacket on. Even then the jacket can fail with depths and currents.
So these type videos can have a knock on effect where young 4x4ers see them and feel that's what it's all about, they go out, drown or basically write off the car on finance, or break a heap of stuff.
Maybe I'm boring, everyone has a right to wreck their property, and kill themselves if they wish. But watching videos was how I cut my teeth as younger person. Too cool to join a club, or ask someone who knew. Just watch then go do, maybe it a younger thing. Nowadays I watch for what not to do, so just trying to be a voice of think it through more.
I have seen many young blokes drive their 4x4 over a virgin sand dunes in the name of adventure. Creating a break in the vegetation to allow for erosion, and encourage more to follow. Leaving their beer bottles behinds because it took 2 beers to get the car off the crest of the dune, then low and behold the area gets closed or restricted. Another place, another freedom gone....