The Rover Shop

A---******ing-men.. Exactly.. Well said. Those who talk about what not to do are an annoyance to those of us who actually get off our asses and do it..there is always going to be the risk takers... And the naysayers... The naysayers can stay in their safe little cotton wool wrapped world and watch the world reap the benefits and exploits of those who take risks..


I found the videos both entertaining and educational. I feel badly for those involved especially that beautiful 110 TDI. Thanks for posting. I hope you were not turned off the negative comments, and continue posting here.

Hi many thanks for your nice words.I'll do it.I accept all kind of comments provided the are done with respect.


I'm also in the "business". While I probably would have waited the night on the other side of the river, like previously stated. I completely concur with what High Center said. These are men, making men's choices. Let them be. They'll deal with the consequences.

Regarding the comments from the gentleman earlier about kids watching the videos and making stupid choices. I agree that this happens and is sad. But should they ban snowboarding videos because kids watch them and go out and break their neck the next day? Motocross videos? I believe it's our job as parents to teach our kids how to qualify what they view and develop an appropriate risk vs gain assessment.

I agree with your sentiments regarding people doing stupid stuff and getting our trails closed. Nothing to do but beat them with a baseball bat ;)

Interestingly some of the response to this GREAT VIDEO is indicative of the new American mindset. Post a sign, build a guard rail, put up a fence, establish a rule, hire a cop....etc.
Only those qualified to get you silly civilians out of trouble can make the accurate decisions pertaining to risk.....bollocks.

Oddly- in my 24 years of professional/full time/this is how I make my living, Search and Rescue I have found this ethic most evident in volunteers. I am in no way knocking them mind you...a lot of agencies would not be able to do what they do without those accountants cum burly, experience scarred, weekend rescuers.

So please, pro and volunteer alike- give it a rest. Stop taking yourself so seriously. There are other adults present and believe it or not....they are capable of making their own risk calculations.

....and if you are so jarred by risking your life or going out...change careers or stop being the first volunteer to leap at the call.


haha that will never happen.It's almost fix.

Albert, I'm curious, any idea how long and how much to put it back together. Good thing he ownes a 200 hey, don't think my Tdci would recover so well. He has done well.
I can sympathise as I killed a car after pouring countless hours and 15K and into a vehicle after the initial purchase. It does take it out of you starting all over again, and insurance never pays enough, perhaps why I'm a little less adventurous these days.

I like your film style. I enjoyed the rebuild and felt quite a bit for your mate. How many hours of filming did you get to make whet you have.


Albert, I'm curious, any idea how long and how much to put it back together. Good thing he ownes a 200 hey, don't think my Tdci would recover so well. He has done well.
I can sympathise as I killed a car after pouring countless hours and 15K and into a vehicle after the initial purchase. It does take it out of you starting all over again, and insurance never pays enough, perhaps why I'm a little less adventurous these days.

I like your film style. I enjoyed the rebuild and felt quite a bit for your mate. How many hours of filming did you get to make whet you have.

Hi thanks for your nice words.I feel it will have taken him a couple of months working hard but only at the weekends. The engine had a bent piston rod

Concerning the time of filming I had more or less one hour of material,but it was very difficult to film in those conditions.

Now it's about to enter paint and workshops.I'm the guy with no cap in the scene when we are lifting the roof.

I love filming everything. My wife helps me. She is a good camera operator . We spend a lot of time with our land rover 110 going to places and filming the most interesting vids, adventures and landscapes.


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Have you ever considered one of those little electric remote helicopter things, cant recall their proper name. There is a mob down here use one to pan up from a camp or trail to capture the surrounding land scape. Very effective and quite spectacular many times. They crash it now and then but seems quite robust.

I have to admit in the first vid, I had to look twice at the Defender dash. The way you took the shot through the window of a Disco, then similar shot for the defender before it crossed had me asking, dash doesn't look like that. What special Defender do they have in Spain. But replay exposed you. Still quite effective and a bit different.


Have you ever considered one of those little electric remote helicopter things, cant recall their proper name. There is a mob down here use one to pan up from a camp or trail to capture the surrounding land scape. Very effective and quite spectacular many times. They crash it now and then but seems quite robust.

I have to admit in the first vid, I had to look twice at the Defender dash. The way you took the shot through the window of a Disco, then similar shot for the defender before it crossed had me asking, dash doesn't look like that. What special Defender do they have in Spain. But replay exposed you. Still quite effective and a bit different.

these are called drones. I´d like to get one but when price decreases cause the good ones are still expensive. concerning the shots taken from the discovery I suppose you are refering to the video "land rover on a nice expedition", yes, those shots were taken from the top of the window with a monopod.
concerning the dash of your defender, yes, you're right, in usa they are different. you've got the NAS version.


Hey I don't have one of those NAS V8 piles. I got me a Aus spec, a wild and free tiny 2.4 diesel. 1 frills like it or lump it. Well in a 130 anyway.

I'm talking about the Stuck in a Storm vid, right at the start. Ol mate is pondering, looking concerned, then from a slightly wider shot the blue Defender takes off through the water. Initially I didn't realise it was a Disco as I'm not familiar with them. Just noticed the dash was different and was left thinking that blue defender has a smart dash, different to mine. Took me a bit to get with the program.

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