Shore power plug and solar panel plug holes cut and mounted.
I also got the following installed/mounted:
SmarterCharger cTEK 7002
Rigid Industries SRQ flush mount (front deck light).
Test fitted the Truma unit and am debating on cutting a hole from the main "box" into the tongue box for better fitment with all the added heat hoses etc — I would still end up using the tongue box as random storage and likely make a custom trash/recycling can to drop in and out easy.
Main focus right now has been on getting the Truma Combi4 mounted, plumbed then of course working!
I finally decided to cut a hole into the tongue box to allow for more room and use that space to run the heat hoses through.
* wiring is a mess right now while I get everything mounted — once everything is mounted then I will dial in the wiring.
Inside the tongue box and how the heater hoses will be laid out.
Before cutting the holes where the heater hoses will be outside accessible.
I went with 3" RV style bayonets for easy attaching.