Voyager is Completed (Build Thread)


Nice to see some glass on ply. It's a solid way to build.

It is solid. I like being able to micro over the glass and create a smooth surface with nice corners and transitions.

Granted, I have flaws and there was a point during the exterior finishing where I said "good enough is good enough" when it came to the micro finish. I could've spent another month doing finish work, but I'm really pushing to be able to take this to Oshkosh, WI this year for the airshow.


When you guys spray paint inside your garages do you cover everything in the room with drop sheets? Obviously the floor around your camper is covered but surely the overspray gets all over your tools and workbenches etc if you don't cover up. How do you stop this or is it not an issue?


I hang a plastic sheeting "curtain" all the way around my project from the ceiling to the floor to contain the overspray/dust and usually wet the floor down to keep any dust from the floor kicking up.


So this weekend was a fun time. I decided that I needed to see how Voyager pulls. So I hitched it up and spent 15 minutes rolling around the neighborhood.


So Voyager pulled straight and true. It tracked well behind the Tahoe with nothing to complain about. There's only one squawk I have right now. This thing is a little light for the 3,500lb Flexi-Ride axles. So she bounced a bit here and there.

Here's the weight that still needs to go into Voyager, so we shall see if that changes the pulling dynamic.

- Mattress 59lbs
- Spare Tire Carrier 60lbs
- Spare tire 40lbs
- Propane 20lbs
- Doors 30lbs
- Side steps and fenders 120lbs
- Batteries 120lbs

So that's another 440lbs that still needs to go into Voyager. That'll keep it on the ground a bit better.


OK, so after a long (much needed) vacation in Wisconsin, I am back at it in the garage. Voyager is getting her side-steps and fenders installed before I can get it licensed. So that's my goal over the next month. I have most of the steel cut out and I'm cleaning it up prior to welding. I will get some pictures up here shortly.


New member
Looking good, Did you get your license plates yet? How did that go in AZ? I'll be starting mine soon and hope to get a good jump on the heat.



Sorry for the slow reply. Not yet. A change in my relationship status kind of put things on my rig on the back burner. As of today, I have the entire drivers-side steps and fenders built. I am working on passengers-side these days.


Some major milestones were accomplished over the last few weeks. I finished the side-steps and fenders and was able to get the three coats of bedliner on all the exposed steel. For sealing up the joints, etc. I used black RTV. I also used the RTV to seal the joints between the steel and trailer cabin.

The doors are on order and should be here any day.


I also put down the tile on the interior floor. Things look much more finished now. Please excuse the dust...the maid is on vacation. :)

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Santa Clause came a little early this year. I ordered a set of solar panels on Amazon. These are Monocrystaline panels (Mono is better than Poly). I also ordered a solar charge controller and a bunch of smaller bits for installing the solar panels. This stuff should get installed this weekend if I have the time to do it.


And just because our dog loves to ride in the Tahoe. Here's him on his way to the vet for a post-op follow up appointment. We've got two boxers, but 'Little Man" was the only one with me yesterday.


This weekend, I was able to install the solar charge controller. I also bought a couple of 105AH deep-cycle batteries. Everything is wired up and ready for me to do the final installation of the solar panels.

I figured out the orientation of the panels and I know *where* I want the panels to go. I'm just taking my sweet time before I go making holes in all my hard work.

Do yourself a favor, if you are going to install ******t on your roof, get some hard measurements as to where your roof studs are at (if so equipped). It took me a long time to figure out where mine were. I want to make sure the mounts for the solar panels have a good amount of wood/fiberglass to bite into before I go drilling pilot holes.

I promise to get more pictures tonight so I can keep this build thread visual.

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