Wanted steinbauer chip 06 fuso


Crazy Person
You would be reading the 4 injector signals and the EGT, and writing the 4 modified injector signals, along with hopefully keeping an eye on your EGT to make sure you aren't cooking anything, right?

Hmmmmm.... don't know about that.
You have to remember that all of these aftermarket power chips are installed post ECU, so the ECU does not actually know that they exist. I have no idea how, or if, the ECU compensates for anything that the power chip does.
The ideal setup would be to remap the ECU, as this would give you the extra power but also utilize all of the safety features that are built into the unit. Alas, finding someone that can do this without bricking the ECU is the challenge.


Hey Owen have you installed an EGT yet? I do want to put one in at some point, has any one installed one yet?


I have a eta gauge, even with out a programmer I get 1200f towing on hills, I feel like a little more boost will help but not from the micro turbo but a actual turbo


New member
The standard retail price for this module is $1650 aud inc tax.


Is the disconnected engine connector in the pic the correct one? It has 8 wires, whereas the steinbauer instructions indicate there should be 6.

Perhaps I should start an NPS Steinbauer install thread.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
View attachment 312180

Is the disconnected engine connector in the pic the correct one? It has 8 wires, whereas the steinbauer instructions indicate there should be 6.

Perhaps I should start an NPS Steinbauer install thread.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

That would be cool, would like to understand how it is done! I was thinking that you would make changes coming out of the ECU but guess it is easier to tap in to the wires closer to the engine.
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Wow. That's very high for the power it makes. I've got a boost and pyro gauge coming for mine, it'll be interesting to see if/how boost changes with egr blocked off.

What gauges are you installing?

If someone (purely theoretically) did the EGR delete, that might reduce EGT but I wasn't thinking you would see any sort of a performance increase.


What gauges are you installing?

If someone (purely theoretically) did the EGR delete, that might reduce EGT but I wasn't thinking you would see any sort of a performance increase.

Will be blocking my EGR off soon as well and I have boosts and Pyro so I can check those and see


That would be cool, would like to understand how it is done! I was thinking that you would make changes coming out of the ECU but guess it is easier to tap in to the wires closer to the engine.

there is no need to tap into the wires, the install is pretty straight forward, plug and play, only real issue I had was to fit the chips wiring loom under the engine cover and around all the injectors forming and fitting them all and trying to protect the wire as much as possible, if I remember right the only wiring to run was for the remote switch and a feed from the accelerator sensor, Owen had given me which wire to use and as usual has more info than I have.
No where near home right now otherwise I could get a pic of the wiring loom.

Before dialing up the chip I would feel more comfortable having an EGT, not even sure how much the temperature rises with the default setting and didn't want to mess with it, but I do get a rising coolant temp on one particular tough 8.5% long grade in the summer with a tail wind and the sun hitting the pavement at 90 degrees creating a set of circumstances to push the temp close to the redline, and unfortunately this section of the road is where you want that chip to perform.

If you have any mechanical or electronic ability at all the chip will be very easy to install. ( if I can do anyone can!)


Wow. That's very high for the power it makes. I've got a boost and pyro gauge coming for mine, it'll be interesting to see if/how boost changes with egr blocked off.

Maybe you could post up some details on the install for us, not sure what effects can occur with the egr blocked off, can you elaborate on that...


Crazy Person
As Westyss has said, the Steinbauer install is pretty straight forward. There is a power and earth wire, one for the accelerator sense wire and one for the optional on/off switch.
The manual says to connect the power wire directly to the battery, but I connected mine to the ignition circuit, as I see no need for the chip to be powered when the truck is not running. I did confirm with the Steinbauer tech guys (the ones that developed the map for this engine) that this was okay, and they confirmed that it was.
I definitely agree with Westyss that fitting the loom was the most difficult part of the installation. It is a very tight fit, especially for number one injector (closest to the radiator). The Steinbauer loom can be installed from 4 to 1 or from 1 to 4. Westyss did his one way and I did mine the other. I tried both ways but found that running the end of the loom out near the back of the head was easier and neater. It's a personal choice only.
I wrote a small article on my install, which includes some images of how I placed things. If anyone is interested, you can find it here.

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