Another thing to keep in mind is when you see a dump station, like at a Flying J or most State Parks, and their water spigot will say 'Non Potable Water' that is simply a law the Health Department requires them to put there.
Do you honestly thing when they're building these establishments or plumbing them, they have a separate water line running to these spigots? No, the Health Department requires them to put that sign up since most people are spraying down their black tanks with that hose or same water.
We always filter our drinking water through multiple filters, so I'm never worried about this, but thought it would be good to put out there
There is also another item that is good to keep in the water kit - It's called a Water Thief -
Camco 22484 Water Bandit
It is for those spigots or spouts that either have messed up threads, or a spout that doesnt have threads at all. You simply slide this over the end, and then have a threaded end to hook your hose to. We've had to use it a few times in our travels when finding places that had a hand pump located a ways away from the camper