Water tank capacity on your trailer.


Expedition Leader
I'm looking to put a 24 gallon tank under my Jumping Jack. ..
Here is the 24 gallon tank I'm considering:
Isn't ABS rather brittle? I'd be worried about cracking that tank if it was mounted underneath.
Another thing to consider is that a natural, or transparent tank offers a view of the water level and the growth of mold or contaminants if they form. There is a good selection of RV and Marine tanks in a variety of sizes and shapes. Might be worth looking a little more?

I had a twenty gallon tank on our new trailer. I had already decided for the three of us 30 gallons works better as we learned in our old trailer. So, I swapped in a 35 gallon tank:


With the water heater full we are at about 42 gallons now. It seems to be working for us.


Isn't ABS rather brittle? I'd be worried about cracking that tank if it was mounted underneath.
Another thing to consider is that a natural, or transparent tank offers a view of the water level and the growth of mold or contaminants if they form. There is a good selection of RV and Marine tanks in a variety of sizes and shapes. Might be worth looking a little more?

These are good points. I haven't really considered the brittleness of ABS, but will look into it further. The ability to see what's in the tank is something I hadn't really thought of, and it is a good idea. The reason I like the tank I linked was because of the size. I like the fact that it's only 8 inches deep, so I can keep it neatly tucked under the trailer. I did find a 21 gallon transparent tank that is similarly sized that would probably work. It's also less expensive. I would like to get a little more info on it before I make up my mind, however.

Here's the link:


Expedition Leader
That one looks good. I think the poly tank will offer a better resistance to impact. I recently gave away my old tank. You might find a used one for sale too? I know where one is on the other side of the US, but that won't be much help to you.

Robert Bills

Ronco Plastics in Tustin CA makes nearly every size marine and RV poly tank imaginable. That's where I got mine. My recollection is that many of the online retailers get their tanks from Ronco (evidenced by some retailers "coincidentally" using Ronco part numbers).


BTW - There is no connection between this company and Ron Popeil of "pocket fisherman" fame.


I have two 15g insulated tanks under the Kamparoo and we use an EcoTemp instant hot water heater. Normally, for showering, I simply heat up one of the tanks (which ever one has less water) in recirc mode for less than ten minutes (heater on high). This way, the tank keeps the water warm for a long time and the three of us can take a shower w/o the scalding issue. Heater stays off during showers.


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Ronco or Plastic mart have hundreds of different tanks, that can have fittings spun. I would stay away from the ABS tank, it is meant to be in an enclosed area, above the floor.

My trailers now have 41 gallons of water on board, located just above the axle, which feeds on demand to a standard RV water heater with automatic pilot light.

You do not want the tanks hanging below the axle or where it can catch a rock and rip the whole thing off. I would try to keep it within the frame rails and even with the lowest part of the frame, protected on all sides.

Jeff Wanamog

Off Road Camper Guy
33 gallons


I have 27 gallons below the trailer with a six gallon water heater. My only mistake is mounting it forward of the axel instead of directly over the axel. I am a little too heavy on the tongue now.

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