For comparison sake I just measured mine where it's parked right now. 20" on one side and 21" on the other side. Your's looks like it was slightly closer to the bumpstops, but I'm sure mine has sagged from stock height.
All factored in, I suspect you're about 4" over 'stock' since you're about 4.5" over where my my 97 E350 is sitting... also factoring in that mine currently has negative(?) chamber on the front wheels (the bottoms are further out than the top). I'd be surprised if this 18 year old Ambo wasn't sagging a wee bit (given the 15k+ hrs on the clock).
From the pictures, it looks like your wheels now have somewhere to move when you go over a bump.

Where as, on mine, the I beams have wear on them from making contact with the bumpstops.