Initial impressions of Weldtec lift
Well, I pulled the trigger on the Weldtec lift. Got it finished in mid March. Since, I've driven it around town and took an approximately 2000 mi spring break road trip all along the CA coast. Overall, I'm very happy. I'll post more review as I drive it more and as I have time.
The work took about 1week. It would have been shorter, but we changed plans part way through - I initially didn't want to go over about 4" lift, but when that was done it didn't even really level the van out so he had to order different springs to get me to about 5.5".
After the lift, I trimmed the plastic bumper a bit and put 285/75/16 tires on. They work well, but they rub the radius arms a tiny bit at full turn, but it isn't bothersome to me. I have not noticed any unusual wear on the tires. One more tire issue, however - the spare does not quite fit under the van properly. Its a bit too big with my trailer hitch there and I'll need to find a better permanent home - you'll notice the angle it droops at in the photos.
Overall, the ride is improved. It is much smoother over concrete highways and rutted roads and speed bumps. I have about 12" of travel in the front, including about 8" to the bump stops (estimate - I haven't measured yet). I hit some speed bumps, a curb and some pretty rutted dirt roads and potholes and never got it to bottom out. The rear end has a slightly softer spring pack with about 1.5" more travel, so it is also improved, but not as much as the front. I did not change out the rear shocks, as they were relatively new. However, in hind sight, I think I should have as the Bilstines up front are pretty nice.
I have a little tighter turning radius. It handles a little better at low speeds, about the same at moderate speeds, but there is a little play in the steering at higher highway speeds. However, it is still no problem for me (or the wife) to drive on long highway trips. I still drive with one hand, but it feels like I need to make more slight adjustments more frequently. However, there is no increased roll when cornering (at any speed) and the van feels just as stable (if not more so) than before.
I was worried about how the RSC would react, but it has been a non-issue... and we were on some pretty windy roads going up the 1 and 101 on our spring break road trip.
Overall, it isn't as slick appearing as the Camburg components. I haven't driven another lift brand in a van, so I don't have a good comparison, but I'm pleased with the handling and ride results for what I expected (and paid).
Van before the lift

Van after the lift and tires - sorry, poor pic, but the closest direct comparison

Radius arms and installed lift

Van in action