I exited through Tucumcari on Route 66 and really took in some great old sites while I was looking for a BBQ place I saw on Yelp only to discover they close early so I peeled out for Amarillo
I made it to Amarillo at 9:30 central time and caught Rudy's BBQ still open. This is one of my favorite places so I was stoked.
The temperatures were going to get in the mid 50's that night so I was going to head down to Palo Dura Canyon and grab one more night in the tent. When I got out of Rudy's at 10 my motivation waned and the sky looked spooky so I grabbed a hotel and boom. Just like that I went from adventurer to traveler and I was still 12 long hours from home.
I grabbed about 5 hours of sleep and hit the road early and decided to go through Dallas instead of Little Rock. This route is a bit shorter but usually Dallas delays offset the distance. I got about 20 miles out and the rain was terrible. I pulled up the weather and saw this route was going to bring the suck all day but if I went back up to I-40 I would sail clear all the way home.
I hammered down only stopping for gas and made it home about 6 pm.
This route was about 600 miles less than my outbound leg but I had only added about 200 miles by wandering.
Total for the trip was 4313.1 miles in 8 days. 3 National Parks, 6 National Monuments, 8 states and a lot of the 4 B's....Beer, Brisket, Burritos and Bourbon
I would leave again tomorrow.