What are you using for a coffee maker and coffee brand when camping/overlanding?


OverCamping Specialist
I've been using close to that same setup twice a day for the last 7 years.

I'm now on my second aero press because I literally wore the first one out with I'm guessing over 3000 uses. (I could have just replaced the rubber gasket but I thought it it time to retire the first one)

I hand grind my coffee beans each time using a brass Zassenhaus Havana Turkish grinder. Though my wofe's Keurig is 5 feet away, I literally find that the work that I put into each cup gets me out of mindless coffee consumption mode and I can savor the cup more.

My go to roasters are anything I can find locally: Verve, Copa Vida, 10 Speed...or my own Home roast (which is nowhere close to as good as the pros)

I also use a reusable disc...however, my only complaint is that it seems a mm or two smaller than the paper so occasionally I'll have coffee leak out the sode as I press. Worth it for me to cut down on the waste.

Great to see another Aeropress user! Crazy that it's the same guy who invented the Aerobie frisbee.

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Yes, when I did my research I found out he was the inventor of the Aerobie Frisbee.
There is just something about how coffee tastes better when using the AeroPress.


We just do Folgers Instant and Starbucks via. Water is measured with the coffee cups and thrown in a small pan with a lid. It's then heated with a Coleman 502 single-burner stove. You can kinda see things here.



You guys that haven't done the simple pour over method with a Melitta filter holder are missing the easiest, cleanest way to great coffee. Corey said something about how his parent's had made coffee that way but hadn't tried it. He should.


CSG, thanks for pointing that out.
Pouring hot water over a filter filled with coffee is the way my home coffee maker works. Stands to reason it would work in the 'wild'.
I have been using a French press for awhile now and it is just fine that way. Colombian coffee from Costco, same as home.


OverCamping Specialist
You guys that haven't done the simple pour over method with a Melitta filter holder are missing the easiest, cleanest way to great coffee. Corey said something about how his parent's had made coffee that way but hadn't tried it. He should.
I think it would be less mess too than the Aeropress.
I may have to pick one up.


I think it would be less mess too than the Aeropress.
I may have to pick one up.

If you're going to venture into the world of pourover while on the trail, I'd second the Clever...especially if it's colder temps outside.

I've found that even with preheating my mug with hot water, whenever I do pourover in a Chemex on a cold morning, I don't get a cup warm enough by the end.

The Clever is like an aeropress and pourover combined...and you can get your total hot water in Clever in one pour so you can then cover it on mornings colder than 40F and then after 3 minutes, you just pick it up and place it on top of your mug, activating the bottom of device to raise up and pour hot brew into your mug prompting you to say, “now that's clever.”

You get the clean cup like a pourover but the richer flavor because the grounds have been saturated longer.

But, I still prefer Aeropress with aluminum disc so I have no waste.


I work for Temple Coffee Roasters in Sacramento so I only use our coffee. For brewing I use a french press if more than one person is having coffee. I have recently gotten an Aeropress so I'll be using that for single serve.


I make it in advance with a Hario Cold Brew Coffee Jug and store it in my fridge in a mason jar. I usually buy organic bulk coffee from Sprouts and grind it at the store, sometimes I buy Lavazza already ground. I heat it at camp, I don't believe coffee or hot liquids should ever come in contact with any plastic so I always heat or drink it from glass or stainless steel.
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New member
I work for Temple Coffee Roasters in Sacramento so I only use our coffee. For brewing I use a french press if more than one person is having coffee. I have recently gotten an Aeropress so I'll be using that for single serve.

Temple is great, i work down the street from one of your locations.

Typically i use a french press, the Bialetti Moka pot, or instant coffee depending on the situation or how many people will be drinking.


Question about the video in post #44. Can anyone tell me what brand jacket the man brewing the coffee is wearing?

I like that jacket. Sorry for hijacking the thread briefly.

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