Yup, but not all at the same time, of course! Once I carried my Sony EX1 and Sachtler tripod and fluid head up a mountain in Banff NP, Alberta. Got up to the lookout view I wanted, went to set up the tripod and one leg fell completely apart. Won't repeat the nasty words that were uttered. Another time in Jasper NP we humped three hours to get back to a glacial waterfall view, set up the vid cam and it started to rain during my first take. Then it started to rain hard. Then it started to thunder and lightning, and then it started to hail. We headed back but the creek rose, lakeshore trail went underwater and we had to bushwhack through thick willow growth alongside it. 4 hours later we got back through the parking lot where we left the car looking like drowned rats even with rain gear on. Lots of Asian tour bus riders clicking pictures of the crazy white people.
I hike with my wife and she carries one DSLR body and a couple lenses, I carry the other body, lenses, mic and accessories. I was Airborne Infantry and SF for a number of years; the camera gear is nothing compared to what we used to hump. But then, I'm a lot older now, too!
Below is a shot of my typical 5D2 video rig with 16-35mm lens, monitor, mic and big battery on a Manfrotto 536 tripod with a 701 *fluid* head. We were at Emerald Lake (Yoho NP, B.C.) headwaters, on the Yoho Pass trail toward the Iceline.