To supply additional information on the forward camera install:
Monitor is: Rear View Mirror with 10.2inch LCD Monitor 3 Photos Display at One Time (CE25RVM401). Easy Google search. They ship from Hong Kong; good quality monitor.
Cameras are: PLCM39FRV Pyle Universal Mount Rear & Front View Car Camera -PLCM39FRV; Amazon find.
Monitor accepts a total of 4 inputs; 3 camera and a reverse cam or video IN (dvd player). Pretty cool setup. Can display single, double or triple screens. Manual monitor controls and remote control makes for easy switch from these modes and ability to change Video In from screen to screen. Hope that makes sense.
The monitor doesn't photograph easily, but here are some additional pics from this morning; added 3rd camera last night.
Darker carport triple screen shot
Double screen shot
Single screen driver tire
Double screen daylight
Triple screen daylight
Parking lot wall approach
Remote control
Hope this helps