Finally got around to putting in the switch panel. Was waiting to get some free time to build up a wire harness. The main trunk runs from the switch panel to the back where my fuse panel/relays are located. Another branch runs up to the top of the sound bar for winch controls, LED lighting, and power for HAM and CB. Braided loom runs so much easier than plastic.
Also mounted up a 20" light bar. It's knock off, lights up good enough for me. Reminds me of my Hello 500s with HID retrofit lamps. Used it quite a bit on the way up to north eastern OK. Never realized how bad the OEM headlights were till this past trip. Some Cibie's will be on the list.
I had a caliper lock up the night before Christmas Eve, so I spent Christmas Eve replacing both calipers, pads, rotors, and unit bearings. While I was "In there" I replaced the steering knuckle U-Loints as well. Santa then brought me a set of Husky Liners & $150 Quadratec Gift Certificate for Christmas!
Thank you sir! Its a little home made and a little bought. If you check out my thing one/thing two thread here I think I explain it? Short version...The bumper itself is from JCR and is a DIY kit. I welded that up and then used it as a base to build my own ARB style knock off. I'm happy it came out well and wasn't horribly difficult.
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