What did you do to your Full Size today?


camping! Made a canopy out of tarp and adjustable paint poles, got the idea from a fellow member. Added snaps to the tarp and top of the camper shell so i dont have to use bungee cords anymore to hold the tarp on the camper shell. Tops of paint poles are threaded for 1/4" stainless steel eyelets to attach a tie off rope or strap.
got a nice full size mattress for the back sealed in a waterproof mattress bag.



Installed an ATS housing on my turbo. Wow, much smoother and no surge/stall. Pictures to come when my truck returns from #1 son borrowing.


I spent some of the most productive time and effort on my 2001 2500 suburban today. Something had been telling me for a few weeks that all was not right with the burb, and after careful investigation, I found it! Inside my 7 year old's tackle box, was the leftover 6 ounces of cheese he was using for bait a couple months ago. Whew...


Installed an ATS housing on my turbo. Wow, much smoother and no surge/stall. Pictures to come when my truck returns from #1 son borrowing.
if you like the housing you would be very happy with the dieselsite turbo master it's a little pricey for what it is but does exactly what it advertises
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New switch setup for my front, rear and soon to have, side lights.


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Crew Chief
Wow! A whole month of nothing happening.

I drove my Bronco to a local car show to see what they had. I didn't enter, though now I think I should have, considering how may people actually looked at it like it was entered. :D I guess that means I'm doing something right! :safari-rig: (<Hey, my rig is an emoticon!)


Autism Family Travellers!
Nothing to update with project burb. But project work 250 had its rad **** the bed. So waiting on a new one. Then its on to a 3" leveling kit, 2" body lift and some visual upgrades like a 2 tone paint job, some lighting upgrades and 35s new wheels and interior doo dads.

Being a 2wd, I figure the best way to make it look like a 4wd is a quick leveling and body lift combo.

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
Replaced the left rear caliper on my 2004 Silverado. Bled the lines. Start the motor, press the pedal to check for leaks, hear a pop and pedal goes to the floor.....Look under truck and now have a blown rusted brake line. Matter of fact they're all toast and crispy! Get brake line kit. After lots of swearing and lying on my back they are all in. But...can't bleed the fronts because the bleeder screws on the front calipers are rusted away, can't break them open....New calipers in hand, I'll be replacing those today as well. Anyone want to buy a truck????


New member
Been sleeping in it, woke up this morning in it, did the morning routine, fixed the brake lights and hooked up th new relay for the light bar, drove it down to the river and caught my lunch and Im currently driving looking for a decent spot to camp for tonight.


Been sleeping in it, woke up this morning in it, did the morning routine, fixed the brake lights and hooked up th new relay for the light bar, drove it down to the river and caught my lunch and Im currently driving looking for a decent spot to camp for tonight.

Sounds rough =)

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