Thanks for your comments here I appreciate them.
For some perspective, as a prospective buyer I'm needing to consider four different "packages" while looking at pricing for a used rig: the XPCamper, the truck, the flatbed, and any options for each (camper, truck, flatbed, recovery gear, etc.). There's so many differences between the used ones I was able to locate that I had to create a freakin' spreadsheet just to analyze them. Not to mention the sales tax that might be in play, i.e. do I purchase a truck with all the parts already installed, or do I purchase a truck and parts (suspension, bumper, winch, tires/wheels, etc.), then have all the options installed in tax-free Oregon?
Another big question is whether these campers "wear out" with use. Is a 2012 model that's been updated by Marc himself and includes a 1-yr warranty as good as a new model? I'm guessing only time will tell, along with feedback from owners that have used them for longer than a few years.
I've pretty much reached the conclusion I'll have to be patient, find a nice used truck of my choice, then build it out the way I want it, including the XP flatbed options. Once that's done I'll either look for a used camper only, or place an order for a new one that's spec'd the way I want it. FYI, current lead-time on the campers is 8 months.