What is a good Jeep Forum?


Sorry, have to disagree. First, that is not a forum, it's a business and the owner/administrator will make that very clear.

Second, you may not openly discuss products not endorsed by the admin. There is an entire list of folks that you cannot even elude too without being banned.

Third, you cannot mention any other JK forums without being banned.

A "good" forum will allow open discussion on all products, events, and other forums.

JK Forum is biased against many good vendors and products and doesn't allow you to speak of any events from other forums even if they are for the benefit of off roading.

There are many "nice" people on that forum but if you want to get good unbiased information and don't want to check your free speech rights at the door then stay far away from JK Forum.

I personally do not own a JK, but the few friends I have that do frequent JKowners. I have no idea if it is any good, but i do know it is run by the same guys who run Pirate4x4.


SE Expedition Society
Tonka has it, JKowners seems to be the new JK place. When i had a JK i was banned from JK-forum for posting pictures of the Rugged Ridge bumper. I was their "test" jeep and the day it was released I was given the "ok" to openly talk about it. I was banned because Rugged Ridge didn't buy a sponsor for JK-forum and by me posting pictures of a bumper anyone could go out and buy I was now promoting a Black Listed vendor of the forum. My local club's name was also blocked from the forum for a while because 3 or 4 of us had been banned for various reasons.

Forums like Expo, Pirate, JKowners and such are the best because while they have paying sponsors they don't sensor info on the non-paying sponsors. Free info on all products gives everyone the ability to buy the best.


Tonka has it, JKowners seems to be the new JK place. When i had a JK i was banned from JK-forum for posting pictures of the Rugged Ridge bumper. I was their "test" jeep and the day it was released I was given the "ok" to openly talk about it. I was banned because Rugged Ridge didn't buy a sponsor for JK-forum and by me posting pictures of a bumper anyone could go out and buy I was now promoting a Black Listed vendor of the forum. My local club's name was also blocked from the forum for a while because 3 or 4 of us had been banned for various reasons.

Forums like Expo, Pirate, JKowners and such are the best because while they have paying sponsors they don't sensor info on the non-paying sponsors. Free info on all products gives everyone the ability to buy the best.

It is against the rules to try and sell stuff if you do not have a vendors star. I used to have a vendors star, and they are NOT very expensive considering the size of the audience over there.

I have always found the Pirate community to be very honest, if not a bit harsh about it.


SE Expedition Society
It is against the rules to try and sell stuff if you do not have a vendors star. I used to have a vendors star, and they are NOT very expensive considering the size of the audience over there..

Thats the problem... I was not selling it. I just simply posted some pictures of the bumper on my Jeep while on a trail ride. I don't work for rugged ridge. I was posting pictures like we all do of my new part on my Jeep on a forum in a thread, not started by me, about the bumper. Now, if I was promoting the bumper before the release I could see that.


Thats the problem... I was not selling it. I just simply posted some pictures of the bumper on my Jeep while on a trail ride. I don't work for rugged ridge. I was posting pictures like we all do of my new part on my Jeep on a forum in a thread, not started by me, about the bumper. Now, if I was promoting the bumper before the release I could see that.

We are talking about JKowners, not JKforum. I believe JKowners was started because of complaints about JKforum.


Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0006
I agree with Beowulf that these forums are the best. I have them listed in my order of preference.


Jeepforum and Wrangerforum are particularly friendly and devoid of snobbery. The same cannot be said for Pirate4x4. There is some really good stuff in there but it is decidedly not a place for the thin skinned or those new to Jeeps and Jeep mods.

On the JK side of things ProjectJK is quite good.


I agree with Beowulf that these forums are the best. I have them listed in my order of preference.


Jeepforum and Wrangerforum are particularly friendly and devoid of snobbery. The same cannot be said for Pirate4x4. There is some really good stuff in there but it is decidedly not a place for the thin skinned or those new to Jeeps and Jeep mods.

On the JK side of things ProjectJK is quite good.

ProkectJK is JKforum. The owner is a real piece of work and you will NOT get honest unbiased information from either of those sites. All you will get is information from sources that have paid the toll.


Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0006
ProkectJK is JKforum. The owner is a real piece of work and you will NOT get honest unbiased information from either of those sites. All you will get is information from sources that have paid the toll.

I am fully aware of the biases of ProjectJK and Eddie its owner. The product reviews and installs are no doubt nothing more than paid advertising. However its forum is pretty good in my experience. It is the participants who make or break the conversation not the vendors who sign up as sponsors.


I personally do not own a JK, but the few friends I have that do frequent JKowners. I have no idea if it is any good, but i do know it is run by the same guys who run Pirate4x4.

Yeah, JKOwners is a place you can speak your mind and hear everyone's opinion. Much better place for JK owners.


When I first bought my JK, I started out on JK-forum. The newness wears off quickly there and as soon as you start looking for replacement parts you soon realize the JK aftermarket is 57 bazillion times bigger than JK-forum wants you to believe. My post about ball joint replacements for the JK was deleted and I got a nasty gram to stop trolling...All I asked was "is there an affordable/better replacement for the stock ball joints other than the Dynatrac ones?"...haven't been back on since...then read all the other threads on other people's ban stories. Wow! I still frequent some of the vendors over ther and cant fault them for following the money. But sheeze! to pretend other stuff for the JK's doesn't exist...:Wow1:

On the other hand I do think Project JK's video's and install/maintanence write ups were pretty good.
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SE Expedition Society
We are talking about JKowners, not JKforum. I believe JKowners was started because of complaints about JKforum.

ah got ya now :ylsmoke:

Same screen name on JKowners, I have been there a while and still post even though I dont own a JK anymore. I was 1 of the early members to get kicked off JK-forum for the mentioned bumper incident.


When I first bought my JK, I started out on JK-forum. The newness wears off quickly there and as soon as you start looking for replacement parts you soon realize the JK aftermarket is 57 bazillion times bigger than JK-forum wants you to believe. My post about ball joint replacements for the JK was deleted and I got a nasty gram to stop trolling...All I asked was "is there an affordable/better replacement for the stock ball joints other than the Dynatrac ones?"...haven't been back on since...then read all the other threads on other people's ban stories. Wow! I still frequent some of the vendors over ther and cant fault them for following the money. But sheeze! to pretend other stuff for the JK's doesn't exist...:Wow1:

On the other hand I do think Project JK's video's and install/maintanence write ups were pretty good.

Ahh.... it's so nice to have the freedom to say "I put in the Poly Performance Synergy Ball Joints and am very happy with price and performance" :)


JKFORUM / PROJECT JK is the worst forum on the web to get unbiased info on JK's . If you endorse a product from a non-sponsoring vendor you will be banned and your post will be deleted. There is a long list of Vendors who make quality parts for the JK that are not allowed to even be mentioned in a post. Stay away.

That is truly a PITA about that forum.

But it does not mean it's "the worst". Great ideas for things to do to your JK, valuable write -ups for DIY stuff, and many of the same vendors as the other sites.

Check 'em all out and see what you think.



Just went to MyJeepRocks and read about coilover issues.

I will be reading more on that site for sure.


New member
Yup, you want JK-Owners, not JKForum. The former is a great site of owners trying to help each other out and loaded with info. The latter is a sham site run for profit where discussion about products not sponsored is banned. They have become a joke within the JK community.

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