Sorry, have to disagree. First, that is not a forum, it's a business and the owner/administrator will make that very clear.
Second, you may not openly discuss products not endorsed by the admin. There is an entire list of folks that you cannot even elude too without being banned.
Third, you cannot mention any other JK forums without being banned.
A "good" forum will allow open discussion on all products, events, and other forums.
JK Forum is biased against many good vendors and products and doesn't allow you to speak of any events from other forums even if they are for the benefit of off roading.
There are many "nice" people on that forum but if you want to get good unbiased information and don't want to check your free speech rights at the door then stay far away from JK Forum.
I personally do not own a JK, but the few friends I have that do frequent JKowners. I have no idea if it is any good, but i do know it is run by the same guys who run Pirate4x4.